Here is the website. They only have a few locations, but you may find something similar where you live.
Re: I am smart again! AG Finance does lend to people with horrible credit. I got a $2000 loan with 16% over a 2 year term and my scores are in the low to mid 500s...Took them all of 30 min to approve the application and no penalty for early prepayment.
Re: I am smart again! mel, (or anyone who has received a loan through AG) Did they require proof of income, and/or contact your employer?
Re: I am smart again! They required proof of employment and pay stub, but didn't contact anybody for any of the three loans I've had with them. One furniture store "same as cash for 90 days" and two secured loans. Dancer
Re: I am smart again! They gave me the option of submitting a paystub or having them contact my employer. I gave them a paystub. They also required proof of residence; I gave them a copy of my lease agreement/recent utility bill. They only required the items mentioned above and my driver's license. I forgot to mention, I bargained on the interest rate....they started out with a rate of 20.99% and came down with little push back.
Re: I am smart again! Yes they do car loans (refinance), I haven't inquired about new vehicle loans. Yes they do report to the CRA's.
Re: I am smart again! I made contact with AG Finance on the phone at the 800 number and almost right away the woman stated we don't give loans to people with bad credit, slow credit or foreclosures or anything like that. That's exactly what she said to me. I said fine and just applied over the net. I applied Sunday and haven't heard anything yet. I'm asking for 3 G's to pay off a dental collection. I hope theycome through for me. Does anyone else have any other companies that operate like AG Finance? I like the feature of not reporting the loan until it's paid.
Re: I am smart again! Gee, they gave me one while I was with CCCS. One while I was struggling, and one Status Post BK7. I guess they don't consider that "bad credit". Dancer
Re: I am smart again! I didn't even speak with the lady on the phone, why? Right. That's why I just applied over the net. How did you apply with them? Were they quick to get you your check? THanks....