I can't believe this. Then when I asked him to not report me to the CRA's he said that I had ample time to pay. What jerks Erica Like some said in the ok...let's get a debate started...thread You have a moral obligation to pay bills . Thing is you always pay - sometimes its pay and pay and pay!
Take a look at these links; you're not the only having trouble with sprint! http://www.poofle.com/sprint/email.htm http://www.complaints.com/april2002/complaintoftheday.april24.10.htm
Whenever it comes to something you're going to want proof of (such as delivery of your dispute letter) you'll want to send CRRR.
Erica, I am soooo sorry this has happened. Take a deep breath, stop for the night, and call them tomorrow. Most of these places farm out after hours CSR to companies not even affiliated with the company you are doing business with. Send a PFB, then call Monday, and calmly speak to a supervisor. The hotter you get under the collar the more a simple hang up will get to you. Also do not call when you are in a rush to get somewhere soon or have things to do...call when you can devote free time to this so you are not aggrevated more by the call itself. I am certain you will get to the bottom of the problem and an acceptable resolution. Good Luck, and relax...that vein in your neck is sticking out again ) oh yeah and stop clenching your teeth when you type, we can feel the tension LOL .... J/K but please relax it is only a mistake and their incompetence, you will get them to reverse it. -Peace, Dave
Dear Erica, Your case is an excellent FCBA case. You do need to dispute in writing and certainly by crrr, (but you knew that). The FCBA dictates that you need not pay the disputed amount until your dispute is resolved. You may be able to use that to force them to recredit your pmt. from 180 days ago. For the most part Dave is right. Take it easy. It's your intelect that will win the day and that doesn't work when your pissed. I do beleive you should reduce this entire situation to writting at this point. I wouldn't talk to them anymore on the phone. Keep us posted.
Give em' hell. I had a similar problem with AT&T. 18 months later they found a billing error in their favour. I told them too bad. If they over bill me I only have 30 days to notice and contact them. After that time they will not fix the error. Why is is different if the error is in my favour. They charged my CC for the amount so I took them to small claims court. The judge rulled in my favour ( and gave them the what for ) I also got paid for missing a day of work. Boy were they pi***d
I don't know what number you are calling but try 888 328 4252. This is the number for corporate accounts. They are somewhat nicer there. At least you won't be subject to long hold times.
Ok, so I went to the local corporate office, and asked the girl very nicely to figure out what happened to my account. I told her what CS told me last night, and she went to her computer, looked up my account, and didn't see what the heck they were talking about. So she credited me the $150 back. I have service again! In the end, I got what I wanted.
Erica, Sorry to hear about what you have to go through. I would suggest to switch to AT&T. Did you go to the SprintPCS corporate office? Their corporate office (the only corporate office that I know of) is in Kansas City, KS. May be that is where you are based.