I am thankful for:

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by edoggie, Nov 28, 2002.

  1. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    The Fair Credit Reporting Act
    The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
    The Truth in Lending Act
  2. Tuit

    Tuit Well-Known Member

    I am thankful for creditnet and all the other credit boards on the net and to all the folks who give advice and help total strangers on a daily basis! Many Thanks to one and all!!

    Also I give extra thanks today for my mother-inlaw who is 95 years old and running around here like she's not a day over 60! What a Gal!!!

    Happy Turkey Day to ALL!!!

    Tuit :)
  3. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member

    Oh my..... how could I forget. I'm thankful for the Creditnet family and and special thanks for WhyChat for excellent advice over the weeks.
  4. dep_tx

    dep_tx Well-Known Member

    I am thankful for My loving wife, my little son, and our extended family that we will not be able to see until next year, I am also thankfull for 2x pay for working tonight it's gonna make for an even better Christmas.
  5. sandie511

    sandie511 Well-Known Member

    My family being healthy.

    I am always concerned about my credit, paying bills on time and at the present - refinancing, but the without health none of the above would matter.
  6. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    In addition to being thankful for my family & good health I'm also thankful for Credit Net and all the wonderful people I've met here. You all have helped me tremendously as proven by a new home, a new Honda at 4.9% APR and a Chase Platinum VISA card with a $7.5k limit.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with those you love & cherish.
  7. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    I am thankful for my fmaily's health, CreditNet and CreditWorks, keep the 19.47% APR coming. We love those extra bucks and we are also thankful for the credit companies and their teaser rates and for Alan Greenspan for lowering the rates.

  8. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    All of the above plus:
    A company that would give such a good severence at this time of year that I am not spending my moments in tears!
    The internet, that is helping me now and has helped me in the past to find a job.
    Winn-Dixie who called me 30 min after I sent them a resume to tell me they were interested!

    (anyone know anything about Jacksonville, FL?)
  9. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    Its up and coming. My borther's brother inlaw lives up there and he loves it. However, I still prefer South FL.

    What position are you interested in? My sister inlaw works for them. She's an assistant manager in the Doral store. The pay is pretty good but they work her hard.

    Good luck and who know, we might be neighboors soon!
  10. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my wonderful family and my friends at creditnet... and everything that is listed above.

    I am thankful for my job!
  11. gargoyle

    gargoyle Well-Known Member

    I'm thankful for 2 great little boys that mean the world to me - and a wonderful job (and a fabulous boss) that pays me enough on a high school education to take care of them by myself.....
  12. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member


    I am a mainframe developer (Cobol, CICS, Natural, et.al.) When I spoke to the recruiter at Winn-Dixie she told me that I was perfect for the position and that I should hear about an interview soon. (The hiring manager is on vacation.)

    I am mainly concerned about good neighborhoods and good schools. :) I have 5 kids ya know!

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