I am thinking of buying a house

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fbolarinwa, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. fbolarinwa

    fbolarinwa Member

    I need advice.
    Thanks in advance for your help


    GABOOZ Member


    I rarely ever go onto this site, but, for some reason, I thought I should respond to your post.

    I think you are in an unfortunate situation where you must make a difficult choice. You either claim that your mother criminally obtained credit cards in your name--a hard choice, or you claim that the debts are yours, and you suffer the consequences.

    The bad thing is this: I think you will have difficulty getting a loan either way.

    Here is what I would do:

    Don't try to solve all of this on your computer. Dress yourself as if you are going to an interview, and go out there looking for answers. Ask people for help. Go to realtors. Go to banks. Ask for alternatives when they tell you "no." You also might have some luck looking for HUD homes. I am not a real estate expert by any means, but I know that homes are not like cars. The lender usually doesn't have to worry about locating the house if you don't pay your mortgage. They will take risks, but you must pay more interest.

    Good luck to you,

  3. ndgdcredit

    ndgdcredit Member

    My ex wife did the same thing to me. I disputed the accts the with the cra on the acct as not mine. I have not gotton the results back yet.some of the pros here can give you some good advise.
  4. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    A lot of it depends on how much house you're trying to buy and the down payment. The more you put down the less the score matters.

    With so many of the people with good credit that have gotten their mortgages a lot of banks are now looking at people in the 500's.
  5. fbolarinwa

    fbolarinwa Member

    Thanks everyone for ur replies I really needed some advice.

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