Hi everyone, I bounced a check in 2000 to License Bureau, for $211.65 I just saw this on my credit report, unbeknownst to me. I want to pay what I owe. It's now with a CA. Should I pay the Full amount to CA or try to negotiate or offer a lower price because itâ??s with them or try to go directly. They say they will take $350.00 to settle. Your tips, suggestions are appreciated.
let me see if I get this right.... Your check was for $211 and they will settle for $350? Excuse me?!?!?!?!? I would call that getting the shaft not settlement.
I will be sending this letter-I found here > Creditor Address City, State, Zip Re: Account Number Dear Sirs: This letter is an offer to amicably settle the above account. It is not to be construed as an acknowledgment of my liability for this debt in any form. I will pay your company the amount of $____ as full settlement of this account. If you accept this agreement, I will send you a money order or certified cashiers check for the settlement amount of $______ in exchange for a full deletion of all references regarding this account from my credit profile and full satisfaction of the debt. This agreement is binding and will be void should you not hold up to your end of the agreement. Furthermore the debt will be deleted from my credit profile at all three credit bureaus or the bureaus your company regularly reports to in the course of doing business. If you agree to the above, please acknowledge with your signature and return a copy to me. Upon receipt of this signed acknowledgment, I will promptly send you a money order or cashiers check in the amount stated above. Notice: This agreement is restricted. This is not a renewed promise to pay but rather a restricted settlement offer only. By not signing below, you agree that the debt has not been renewed nor has any concrete written agreements been exchanged. Creditorâ??s Authorized Signature: _____________________________ Date:____________ Name Title : Sincerely, Do not sign or date letter (This is necessary to avoid renewing the debt, should the creditor refuse to agree.) Be sure to not use a personal check if they agree to pay. ------------------------------------------------------------
TK...not for nothing, but have you asked for validation on this? In my experience, the collection agencies operate on tape media and rarely have or can get the actual check. That would be my recommendation as the first thing to do. Are you positive that the OC didn't resubmit the check and get paid on it? How do you know you still owe it? Especially with the additional charges they are trying to tack on, I would make them prove every penny. L
Hi Whyspers, Your right I need to find out if this way paid, if I bounced, I would have paid this. The CA did send me a copy of the check, Also, I did email the license bureau with a request to pay them directly. Thank you for the add'l tips I will check with the bureau.
In my experience, the collection agencies operate on tape media and rarely have or can get the actual check. whyspers ==================== In this case it's uncollectible. LB 59
Thank you, I am having my Bank send me a statement with all checks paid, to verify if this was paid or not-thanks for possibly saving my %$&&^ ass
Did they say this in writing? If they did, and can't legally ask for that much (and in most states they can't) then they are ripe for an FDCPA suit. You should probably talk to an attorney that specializes in such cases and see if they will do it on contingency.
Hey JAMBE, First thanks for taking the time & your feedback I have 2 letters from them in writing, showing they will take less in both cases. This is after I sent settlement letters. I am still waiting for my bank to send me confirmation with a statement that shows I paid this
Thanks again to those who responded & this site. Update so Far. I ordered from my Bank my statement which "Proved" I did pay this overdraft. I mailed this off Certified Receipt to the CA with the form letter from here this last Saturday. I will let you know the outcome. PS. I also sent to the 3 Agencies.
Good Morning Whyspers, I will try to be brief I became aware of this alleged debit from viewing my Credit report about 1 month ago in August. It was for a check I bounced for $211.00 in early 2000. "If this check was not paid, I could not use this account, so it was paid". I have never heard from this CA regarding this alleged debit. I realize they like to let it grow, but 2 years. Anyway, I received from the Ca, a copy of the check. They requested $485 for punitive damages. I did make the mistake before reading more here. I sent the CA a settlement offer-they said the would settle for $263.00, not. After reading here further, as I should have. I called my bank regarding this check, they said it was paid eventually by me. The Bank said my account would have been closed if this was not paid. The Bank sent me a bank statement verifying this was paid. I sent this to the CA . with one of the letters from here. requesting removal & reporting as paid to the 3 agency's. The CA responding stating, they have the original check & that I owe. any suggestions
send them proof that the check was PAID by the bank.. which means you do NOT owe this amount of money. They must also REMOVE any tradelines they placeed on your CR. I would also dispute the tradelines if on your CR. if the CA doesn't comply, sue them.
The CA responding stating, they have the original check & that I owe. any suggestions ====================== This is why I never pay without the original check
iBROWN & ENDER & ALL, Thanks for your responses. I am going to my bank to talk with them & try to get a letter stating this is paid. The bank statement I sent to the CA, doesn't seem to convince the CA.