OK! Well i didn't do it. My ex just told me that she talked with some law firm that said they would garnish her wages if she didn't pay them on an account that we let get charged off. She set up for them to take out of her account on the 1st. I told her not to do it that i would have a friend of my (lawyer) call them and we would send them a cease and desist letter. The problem is, do i cancel the checks or just notify them not to process them. And now they have my ex's account number can they try to get a payment any other way. the other thing is never got any written agreement. WHAT DO I DO! Thanks for any help.
Well, the best thing to do would be to get into your time machine (or that of a friend) and set it for moments before you agreed to have the money taken out of the account. Hop out of the machine and then inform your past self not to go through with that plan, that it's a bad move. That the best thing to do would be to send a letter of validation to the firm and also request they do not call you at all. Your past self may want to go through with it but you (the one that knows better now) will have to be convincing. Tell yourself that in many states they have no legal right to garnish any wages. How old is the debt? Find out the statute of limitations for your state. If it's past that, send the firm a letter and let them know that it's past the statute of limitations and you know it. There'll be next to nothing they can do. If you don't have access to a time machine, or like mine, it's on the fritz, then I would go ahead and cancel the checks. You don't want them going into your account at all for any reason whatsoever, because as soon as the first payment is made the clock can start all over again. Then inform your bank not to accept any thing from that firm for payment. You don't want them to get anything. Look into the above possibilities. I'm not an authority on these matters by any means, so all you readers of this post let me know if there are errors.