I don't understand Cred Report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fireclan, Jan 5, 2002.

  1. fireclan

    fireclan Member

    I have received my Credit Reportsfrom TU, Experian and Equifax. Upon my "wading in Credit Soup" of information I can not figure out my Credit Score. I am still trying to apply for a credit card to re-establish my credit. I am on hold for a centennial card, but the APR is a little high, I am trying not sound too picky, what right do I have anyway with damaged credit right?
    Anyways, I have applied through out the i-net and the 1800#s for credit cards. ALL DENIED.... First Premier says they can help with the secured card and I qualify even living out here in the great blue (GUAM) US territory. But I would also like to know what other options I may have. Secured Credit cards are not bad at all, only a majority of them I can not qualify for mostly because of my location. (Outside the US) US territory, but we are all US citizens.
    Nonetheless, I DO NOT KNOW MY CREDIT CURRENT CREDIT SCORE.. Can anyone advise as to where the score is on the credit reports??
    I'd be very grateful.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Trans Union - call and ask for your score. If you do not ask they do not send it.

    Equifax and Experian you must get the report and score over the internet, not on paper via snailmail.

    http://www.creditexpert.com EXP - take the 50 day trial

    http://www.equifax.com have to purchase it.
  3. mike101

    mike101 Well-Known Member

    Equifax and Experian do not offer reports and scores via US mail?
  4. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member


    Breeze 50 day trial period?????
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, ummmmm I am rewriting the rules, I guess.

    30 days

    that was a typo, sorry
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Equifax and Experian offer reports via snail mail, but not scores.

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