I finally got BofA!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bgolden, Apr 23, 2002.

  1. bgolden

    bgolden Well-Known Member

    I checked the online status for my application and it said:

    Congratulations! You've been Approved.

    that was nice to see for another good card.

    3500 credit line
    14% interest rate.

    Anyway not the greatest but much better than 24%.
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Congrats!!!! BoA was my goal too, I got the email saying that the card should arrive within 5 days, been almost 10 and I still haven't got it, but they have sent NUMEROUS welcome packages! Plus they send you convenience checks and BT forms. So far I can't say enough about the card, and I don't even have the card yet!
  3. bgolden

    bgolden Well-Known Member

    That's Great!

    With those scores I bet you got a pretty awsome offer.

    What did you get approved for if you dont mind sharing?
  4. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    I got it too! I am so happy. I got so sick of waiting and the online status kept saying "pending" so I got up the nerve to call and almost fell over when the very nice rep. said "Your approved $6k" she said I would get my card in 7-10 days. I'm so happy.
    congratulations to you guys!
  5. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, gang.

    Just be careful about those BT offers with the attached checks. With mine - I had a nice intro BT offer, with checks attached, urging me to take them up on the BT offer. The problem is that the attached checks were CASH advance/convenience checks at 19.?? apr. They had nothing to do with the letter they came attached to. You had to call in for a BT check. Just read the fine print on the back of the check before using it.

    MEGASUN Well-Known Member

    Hi, new to this board and to credit repair..mind boggling with all the news you guys are giving. Please let me know what Bofa is and how to apply, also, what scores do I need before apply to them? Thanks in advance, board here is just great..
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I was at a 707 when I applied, I got the Platinum Visa $5500 CL 9.9 fixed, 8.9 BT fixed (No thanks on the BT). My Citibank has all the terms and LOC beat, but Citi is pulling my TU CR once a week as a HARD.

    I would say no negs within the last 3 years and a score above 670 SHOULD (Not WILL) get a BoA, BTW it's Bank of America.
  8. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    KHM: There are diferents Bank of America cards.
    You could be approved for 9.9% (for purchases) or for another card with 8.9% for Bal transfer but not for both terms on the same card.

    Btw. You can call to reduce the 8.9% Bal Tr rate to
    prime rate (4.75%).
  9. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    Speaking of reducing rates, has anyone gotten BofA to reduce their rate below 9.9% fixed for purchases??
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Wife and I have 2 accounts with BT @ 4.75%
  11. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Congrats!. I also have a BofA visa 9k limit from last year and applied for the MC two months ago, they denied me but after asked for a reconsideration my card was approved with a 5.2k limit.
  12. Candi

    Candi Well-Known Member

    what reason did they give for the original denial?
  13. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Anyone get approved for a BoA card after including a BoA card in a previous BK? Do they blacklist???
  14. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member

    Had my BoA card since Jan02. How soon could I request a credit line increase, and do they automatically increase your cl after so many months? How many months?
  15. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    You have to wait 9 months.
  16. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Re: MARCI ??


    You were of help to me.. concerning Bank of America a while back.. so I am calling on you to answer some questions if you can. Anyone else that knows, please jump in too. I've got a little open wiggle room on my BofA account now.. about 1,000. The rate is prime for life ( 4.75%) Can I add this 1,000 back ..now requesting that they pay off 1,000 on another card. I charged up 11,900 so the min payment of 2.2% was $262.. this is what I've been paying for 4 payment cycles now. We are really needing to reduce the number of payments going out each month. I've had to decline a ladies night out with some friends this week for having more month than money.


    P.S. I was charged a 50.00 fee for my initial transfer.. is there any way to go around this ?
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: MARCI ??

    I asked...they said NO...
    The $50.00 is part of the offer.
  18. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Re: MARCI ??

    They waived the $50 on my transfer when I asked, but I had to make the transfer immediately on that call.
  19. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Re: MARCI ??

    They waived it for me a while back too.
  20. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Re: MARCI ??

    Geo and Marci..

    How much were you transfering? A bunch ? Who did you speak with .. just anyone.. or some special department?

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