I finally reached my goal!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, May 10, 2002.

  1. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations LKH ! :)

    You've earned it.

    I hope to be in your shoes by the end of the year.

    Best of luck on your house hunting.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Congrats LKH!

    Enjoy your well deserved victory! Amex is top notch. I am very happy with them.

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Thanks all. I just called and found out they gave me a $10,000 limit. So I'm happy with that.
  4. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Congrats !!! and

    Best regards,

  5. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Big way to go, LKH! :)

  7. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    Congratulation! Nice credit score. Good luck house hunting.
  8. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Congratulations LKH! I hope to soon follow in your footsteps.. I only have 1 more CRA to go.. =)

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