Hey Brad J! Mr. Cooke got me to $5900 with an 8.92% rate. However, a cash advance costs nearly 15%! I think he CAN affect market offers. aarrff - dogman
Eugene called me a couple of hours ago, he got the nasty planet feedback letter I wrote to them after they denied me. Somehow I got conned into keeping my card, but they are punishing me for 8 months for my $1.29 over the limit. Nothing until August on this. *Sigh* I still can't figure out how he convinced me to keep it, I was sticking to my guns on the phone and arguing for all its worth and that I was closing this to make a point to Cap One. What a point I made, I'm a sucker. I guess I am going to put it away, pay it off with our taxes and wait until August. Mr Cooke is in no way Mr Miller, Mr Miller did some fabulous things for me and I did have some dollar here and there over the limits. Mr Cooke kept mentioning the "rules" and how he simply could not do anything for me since I "broke" them.
Hey dogman!! way to go on the great CLI and corresponding low APR. Think I can hear my basset hound howling, poor thing can't aarrff much anymore.