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I Give Up!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fireclan, Mar 17, 2002.

  1. fireclan

    fireclan Member

    I finally have had it, I have tried inquiring and applying for many credit cards and I can not qualify, mainly because YES(1) CREDIT RATE -SUCKS (2) I LIVE OUTSIDE THE CONTINENTAL US:GUAM a US territory. I have applied here on island even gave the bank I have used for 10 years a security deposit for a secured card and they denied me.
    So I GIVE UP. Perhaps it's just not in my cards(he..he..)
    Capitol One sounded the best to me but their market area does not cover Guam.
    So all of you struggling back from the pits of the damned credit rates,GOOD LUCK to you.
    If any one can bless me with their wisdom/knowledge to guide me back I'd be eternally grateful.
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Talk to Christi, she quits about every other week. (just kidding Christi). Now her Equifax report is clean, she is pushing 800 on TU and 700 on Ex.

    Stick with it, persistence is the key (as NanaC would have told you). It gets frustrating to ALL of us. The worst thing you could do is just give up...you will inevitably need the credit someday and more often than not, you will need it too quickly to get things done in time for your purchase. Better to keep chipping away at it now you will be much better off in the near future.

    Good Luck,

    -Peace, Dave

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