I had it with this credit repair. I am so upset. Today I received a letter from Citibank (South Dakota), NA in reply to my letter I sent them last week demanding that they remove the entry from Equifax because they sent me a letter in September stating that they couldn't help me with the info because the loan was sold. This is what they said today: PLEASE BE ADVISED THE INFORMATION ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT IS AN ACCURATE REPORT OF YOUR ACCOUNT AND WILL REMAIN ON YOUR CREDIT PROFILE FOR A PERIOD OF UP TO SEVEN YEARS. YOUR LOAN GUARANTOR HAS PURCHASED THE LOAN FROM US AND IS NOW RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING YOUR CURRENT PAYMENT HISTORY. FOR ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS CONTACT: BLAH BLAH OR CALL THE 800 OR GO TO WWW.STUDENTLOAN.COM I believe the loan was sold in 8/94 but they say date of last activity was 5/95 on equifax only. I got it removed from Trans and it fell off Experian last Nov. because they went by date of delinquency. Then I went to the website and it said: we have no record of any active loans. please call customer service. I sent the letter to credit bureau disputes at Equifax like Saar said but it didn't work and Equifax won't accept the letter they sent me before. I already tried. The funny thing is the loan was rehabilitated by the company they said the loan was sold to. But that also does me no good becaue Ed Fund/csac won't help me either. And once again Equifax won't accept a letter sent to me by the creditor. What should I do now??? I can only think of one option and that is to give up. I have plenty of letters proving that they don't have the info and letters I sent and rr cards. I'm desperate because I only have until May to clear this up. Please any advice would be helpful. And Ed fund isn't reporting the loan at all. IT's listed under Citibank.
Send them one more dispute letter, certified mail with return receipt, include a copy of the letter and cite the FCRA section as follows: 15 USC, Title 15, Chapter 41 ,Subchapter III, Section 1681i, Paragraph (a) subparagraph (4) as follows: 4) Consideration of consumer information In conducting any reinvestigation under paragraph (1) with respect to disputed information in the file of any consumer, the consumer reporting agency shall review and consider all relevant information submitted by the consumer in the period described in paragraph (1)(A) with respect to such disputed information. Advise them you want the item corrected. If they refuse to accept the information file a small claims action against them for violation of your rights under the FCRA. You can recover damages up to $1,000.00, court costs, and likely have the item removed by order of the court. They will start to cooperate quickly when served with court papers as they prefer to settle out of court. Any violations recorded in public record and ajudicated against them spells future trouble for them as they do not like precedents set and don't like things on record that the FTC can see in regard to their violations.
Holdup Molly. Dont get upset. Call and speak with a supervisor. That letter you have, I have 3 copies of it. Verbatim...Signed by Cindy somebody right. They just spit those letters out from their credit dispute department. They do not take anything you say into consideration. roni
"I sent the letter to credit bureau disputes at Equifax like Saar said" Not quite. "Credit Bureau Disputes" is at Citibank, not Equifax. Now if Citi verified to EFX, your problem is w/ Citi alone. Don't let them fool you with their form letters. You have a proof from Citibank that they have no record of it. That's all you need. It is now up to you to determine what strategy you're going to take: Sending a "Last Notice Before Litigation" to Citi, or getting an attorney to do that for you. Saar
RE: Holdup Molly. First letter by Kathryn Cox Second letter by Robert Carson Lenders request for Insurance by Cynthia Harper (this was between csac and citibank) The last paper was sent in a huge packet of the entire history of every single loan I ever had. Citibank did not send it to me, Ed Fund did. Honestly, I don't even know what is what after they sent me that packet. I almost cried when I saw that envelope. And well, isn't Citibank by law supposed to be able to provide me with proof of this debt, they are the ones reporting it? What did you do? And did they remove it for you? I did default on the loan.
RE: Don't give up ! You've fought 2/3 of the way... to soon to retire.. you still have 2 options left, as Saar pointed out. Good luck! fight a good fight!
RE: Why do I suspect I don't think so. You can usually tell him by the dialup he is using. The above is not one I've seen him use before,but, it wouldn't surprise me if it is.
RE: Holdup Molly. Citibank promised to remove it from my report once, I showed them my deferment form and proof that I was in my residency at the time of debt. The SUPERVISOR did this promise for me. Well she reniged on the promise in August. I moved on with my life. She said, I am sorry but the removal dept wouldn't agree, b/c blah,blah, blah. I never called Citibank about the matter again. As you know I did default as well. They said because I consolidated they Couldnot repurchase the loan and thus couldnot remove it. All a bunch of Technical mumbojumbo, which left me out in the hole. The citi loans are the loans defaulted loans left on my credit reports. roni
That's it. Also, I got the Kathryn Cox letter three times. It's generic. They told me. I asked them why they sent me that letter and it doesnot address anything I was talking about. And they told me that's just the letter they send out from that department. Stupid. They are the disputes department and they just send out a form letter. They recognized their mistake, because, technically dental residents are considered students and they should have removed it anyway. They told me that. Then they turned around and said they couldnot because the dept of ed owned the loan now. I am sorry .....blah,blah,blah.But that is life.... roni roni
Re: That's it. NEVER CALL THESE PEOPLE.. IT WILL GET YOU NOTHING... YOU NEED TO DO EVERYTHING VIA THE MAIL... This way there is a record of everything...