Baily you don't know crap they pull only 2 Experian and TU. If you got problems with me stay away from my most!!!!!!
Brenda, You should get better terms than that. Cap1 give you bad terms even you have a good credit history like my brother. They gave him Kmart Card with $700 with 19.8% APR even he has a lot of Platinum card from the other banks. Ron.
Breez my TU is very good I have said in other post that they have remove I think it is 9 inquiries, but experian has move three now ""Just got my update report on the 2/1/2/02 I also have 12 inquiries in 6 month on experian, but 3 left or 4 on TU and a bunch old one I got yr 2000, and early 2001. So I guess that is why I keep getting low amouts my guess. Brenda The filmmaker Smith
She didn't ask you the scoring reasons why you were getting low limit cards, she asked why you would want these low limit cards when you claim to have over 180K in available credit. LOL who needs saturday moring cartoons!
When I spoke with Mr. Cooke about my recent application, he told me they pulled from all three CRA's.... strange... even my mortgage company only pulled two.
It cost alot to make movie . 500 will buy a roll of movie film that cost 400 , and I know they will give me a line increase so far they always do when I got to planetfeed back. Brenda the filmmaker Smith
Um...I'm rather skittish about commenting here, but first of all, are you for real????? If you're so hard up for cash, why undertake something that will leave you deeper in the hole if your film flops as so many others do? Why don't you align yourself with some serious backers, whether traditional studios or an independent filmmakers association? While pursuing your hobby, how do you earn enough of a living to qualify for $180,000+ in personal credit, yet are unable to obtain a $500 CL without a monthly fee? I find it hard to believe you're staking your personal credit on a business venture.
This brings her up to $185,500 on credit cards to be used in making films...... Well, I checked in with my good friends Woody Allen and Michael Crichton and was shocked to discover that Many films are indeed financed by credit cards. Did you know Waterworld and Planet of the Apes were financed by American Express credit lines? AND the producers kept all the membership reward points. In fact I hear Dino DeLaurentis has enough Delta points to fly to Pluto! In fact when he gets there I'll bet Brenda will be there with that UFO death cult from San Diego. By the way, what did the artist formerly known as Prince have as a name on his credit card?. Oh oh, gotta go here comes nurse Cratchett....... Venceremos!!!! DOE