I got amex blue with short history

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dingdong, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. dingdong

    dingdong Member

    Ignoring Geo's advice I applied for Amex Blue Cash and got it with only a 2 year 1 month history on a 1k limit Wells student card and a 1 year history on a Banana Republic. I dug up all the old posts on amex before i applied and people said you're supposed to have 2 cards with 2 year histories, but i guess 2year + 1year is good enough with a 763 score. it approved 2k limit in like 10 seconds so no one even looked at it. Does that mean "instant online approval" cards are better for me? Now do i call them when i activate to request line increase to 5k? that would be super. How long do they take to put the tradeline on credit report? And do they report 30 day late or only 60? thanks
  2. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    2 year history is not as short history. i was at platinum level 1 yr 1 month after my 1st credit card.
    with citi approving me 2 card at 9k each.

    And who told u that apply for Amex in the fist place...? I was man!. As fact u should reapply for another Amex like Delta or Starwood right away. And after approval merged with the blue cash u already got it.
  3. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    u can call after receive the card to New Accounts Dpt to reconsider the credit line they gave to you, but you should do it before the first 30 days. After that period u would need to wait 6 months before to ask for an increase.
  4. dingdong

    dingdong Member

    i just realized it gave me 14.99% rate. that sucks. it's been over a month and it hasn't showed up on credit report. when will that happen? and can i still apply for starwood and combine?

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