I got Cap 1 buziness card coming

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brenda, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    The said I should get the limit & card by 11/6/02
  2. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Brenda. I know you've been planning on this for some time now.

    Now. Don't be tightlipped. Spilled the details!

    Did you apply online? Was it instant approval? Did you use your home as biz address? Do ya have a biz phone? An FIN? What did you say for biz income? Biz legal structure????

    Inquiring minds want to know!
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Congrats Brenda! Hope, you forgot one. What's the CL? ;) Charlie
  4. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    They sent me a pre-approve. I have a indie film co a po box I sole onwe it so that's what I put down, I use the extra phone in my home as my biz #
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: I got Cap 1 buziness card comin

    Congratulations, Brenda!

    Hey, I have a really weird idea for a strange short film:

    The Day My Capital One Card Arrived

    Imagine the possibilities, lol! Potentially a very humorous film.

    Ok, you can tell that my stint as a creative consultant has now ended, ahem.


  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: I got Cap 1 buziness card comin


    What's In Your Wallet?
  7. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    Congratulations. I would be interested in learning your limit. I closed my business card because the limit was too low ($1000) and they also wanted to charge $59 annual fee, since then they have been sending me offers, but I keep tearing them up.

  8. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    I let you know when I get,but I was told it;s 0 fee.

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