I got Discover!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Jan 20, 2002.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    My theory

    This is my theory: When you do an online dispute with Equifax, the disputed account is 'suppressed' until someone manually notates that the account is disputed (so then they can report it legally). So, I suggest applying for accounts that have instant approval in the same weekend/the day after that you have entered an online dispute (when they are less likely to have the time or manpower to to do manual maintenance).

    What do you guys think?

    If someone tests this theory, please let us know the results. Thanks.
  2. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    In my experience (and my fiance's), Discover sucks when it comes to limit increases!
  3. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    I have read where some customers do not get regular increases. Not sure what Discovers criteria is on that.

    I am still trying to understand their criteria on how they grant credit. I think it goes by quotas.

    I know that every year the spouse gets an increase usually a 1000 or more.
    The bill is usually paid in full with a few months of carrying a balance w/ payments throughout the year.

    The increases always come after the balance is paid in full.
    I think they like for customers to carry a balance therefore the limit increase.
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Discover usually says it takes 30 days to receive the card, but in my experience it takes 7-10 business days after approval. Discover does have sucky increases. They do review your account every six months (at least they say they do), but it's more like once a year. I have always gotten $300-500. Woo-hoo. After awhile, I asked for an increase instead of settling for the silly automatic increases, (they do pull a hard inquiry, usually Equifax) and they increased it $3500, which is what I asked for. Customer service is good, but there are not alot of ongoing promotion or offers. Right now, they're promoting the 9.99% balance transfer. A couple on this board have the balance transfer rate at 5.9% (I believe George is one who does). Like any card they have their good points and bad points. But, I have never received bad service from their customer service department.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    They checked EX for goodness sake


    Found out today that they pulled Experian, my absolutely worst report!
    3 charge offs
    2 collections

    My mind is really blown now.
  6. chriscraft

    chriscraft Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    Love, what was your Experian score at the time you were approved? I would like to get Discover, but my Exp report is my worst, with 3 derogs (1 paid collection, 2 unpaid collections), and 30 positives. My CE score is currently 656. I am not sure whether I should apply or not. Any opinions?


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    It was 586.
  8. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake


    Go for it!

    I think I would have received it had they pulled EX
  9. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    Maybe I should Call their retension dept and ask for a re-consideration

    What do you all think?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    I agree. What was their reason for denial? How long ago did it happen?
  11. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake


    I threw the dang letter away but it was your usual

    It started off after careful consideration.......

    My Equifax report at the time was @597
    It has since dropped Citi is now reporting
    They validated my medical collection 135.00
  12. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    maybe I missed it Love, but what state are you in. I only have 2 issues with EX. I may try this tomorrow.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    Correction: My score was 621 as of 1/16. I applied on 1/20.

    BTW, I am in Georgia.
  14. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    Love, I just ran http://millcbs.com on Discover for California and found EFX: 2, EXP: 3. Just for kicks I ran your state (Georgia) and found EFX: 3, TU: 1
    And they ran EXP on you! Looks like they go accross the board whenever they feel like it. I'm glad you got lucky, but they must have some additional internal scoring system if you got approved from a bad EXP like the one you described. You said you received a pre-approved offer in the mail, but you applied online. Was there an offer code of an kind that you entered when you applied online?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    No codes or approval numbers that you could use when you apply online. In yesterday's mail, they sent my 82-year old grandma the same offer, She has no credit; havent financed anything in over 15 years.
  16. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    I what's my chance in getting them to check TU. I wonder if I could ask for a particular CRA. Love, I am in GA also. I am so afraid that they will pull EFX on me. I want to try it. Any takers.

    My TU - has one collection that I thought was gone.
    My EXP - has 1 charge off/1 collection/1 late pay (which is incorrect and is in forebearance)
    My EQ - has 1 collection/1 charge off with DLA of 6/96
    1 charge off with DLA of 8/98.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    If they approved my crappy EX report, I believe they will approve any of yours.

    Wish you the best :)
  18. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    I applied for Shell and the associates cards- declined for both. I am afraid. I had my co-worker apply and she got that same lalalala message, But her Eq is clean.
  19. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: They checked EX for goodness sake

    Well..here's what I got:

    We appreciate your interest in the Discover® Platinum Card.

    We have received your application but need to perform additional processing before we can provide you with a decision. Within 30 days we will send you more information to the address provided on your application

    any takers on this response?

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