I've finally broken the 700 barrier on one report. My second new Citibank account started reporting today and I got a 5 point bump in my score bringing it up to 702. Last June when Experian started offering scores and after one round of successful disputes my CE score was 575. That means that when I started credit repair last March it must have been much lower. Experian was by far my worst report when I started with 16 negatives. I'm down to my last three now.
Another kinda cool thing... finally my CE score analysis page says I'm in the 51st percentile. 49% of people have better scores than me and 51% have worse.
That is really incredible! What an encouragement that is to those of us who have only been doing this a few months. Thanks for sharing....maybe eventually I will get there, too...lol. L
Sweet, congrats Dave! The 700 club is just like the sirens in Jason and the argonauts. 700 scores are calling me....they're all I can think about....must change license plate to "700 CE". Ok maybe not, but today, you da man!