UNLV34, I would love a copy of that latter as well...I am about to go postal with providian...How do you e-mail a member?
Hey Pibb, just click on my name to email me ... Don't go postal yet until I get some green cards and stamps
Congrats on the house! Another question for you if you can stand it Who determines what areas are considered "rural"? I live in Illinois and the term rural is pretty subjective. I went to the Illinois Association of Realtors site out of curiosity about these loans and they have some listings in Cook County which is the Chicagoland area- how can this be considered rural? Are these loans connected through FHA or HUD or something? Or, is it just something through private lenders, like Chase? I'm wondering if something like this might be an option for hubby and I in a couple of years. I just don't want to have to move into Southern Illinois to do it hehe
Smontoya5 Sorry I that I am just now responding. In regards to your question, my mortgage broker is the one who got us the loans. According to him it is connected somehow to FHA don't no to much about it. Go to FHA.com or .gov and see if they have any info. My first is $263,500 and the second is $16,000, our scores were the same as you and your husband. Oh and we are from Chicago =)
How in the world did you get your TU FICO so high in 3 months???? My goodness, you are my idol, lol. I started quest in Oct 02. FACO only risen minimally, even after 14 deletions. Still working on last 6 (disp pending) What did you do???????? COngrats on the house! Nikki EQ 549 05/02; 653 12/02 FICO TU 550 01/03 FACO TU 545 05/02; 605 01/03 FICO EX 633 01/03
Four20nik, =) Girl, I was on TU like white on rice--hehehehe I sent them letter after, letter so on and so fourth. It's amazing and I was shocked myself. My other scores were in the 600's but for some strange reason, some accounts have been re-aged or came out the wood work.
Thanks for the reply Chitchat- I'll go check out that FHA site you suggested. Congrats again on the house!