Experian = punks I'm so sick of experian, I got denied credit. I wanted a copy of my report.... sent them my info AND a copy of the denial letter.......2 weeks later I get a letter ( today) from Credit Data Southwest ( a division of experian) asking me to send $9.00 or a copy of the denial letter....I hate them, I hate them, I hate them..... Also included in the letter was a Request for credit report....they want me to fill it out...it asks for my phone number and signature..Do I have to send that back?? Or can I use the sample letter off this site?
You can just call them on the phone and request a free copy of your credit report, and just say "so and so company denied me" ... they'll (Experian) will see the inquiry and send you out a report. This is how I got my report. No problems.
Don't know. I've never had to supply anything. All it took was a phone call. You may even be able to go online and request a free report if you've been denied, I hear you can do it with TU's site.
I have no idea....I'm in az..I have to deal with 'credit data southwest'...thats who experian has here in the west...so, far they're on my last nerve.... Me
Sometimes they ask for $ because the information has either not caught up with their tracking system or they just didnt get it at all. Most of the time if you have an inquiry then you are in there like swimwear...
George: EQ always asks for information before they will send me a report. Even if I send them a drivers license, ss card, and electric bill, they will send it back saying they need more proof. Always