i hate FICO

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jenz123, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    my overall credit history is good, but out of 15 tradelines going back 12 years i have two chargeoffs for $1k and a couple late pays and my midscore is only 550.

    i can't get a mortgage or anything.

    what sucks is i want to pay the chargeoffs in full but crapone won't let me. they want me to settle for less than the full amount. I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE EVERY APPLYING FOR CARDS WITH THEM.

    i goodwilled the OC on the late pays - said sorry, don't care that you moved and we sent the bill to the wrong address.

    this is so absolutely ridiculous. i have four open tradelines that have perfect history going back several years.

    i am determined to resolve this - any suggestions? i know many aren't on CN anymore but i am hoping someone has some advice.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you notify them of your new address when they moved?

    If so, maybe you could use their violation of FCBA as leverage.
  3. turtleyboo

    turtleyboo Member

    Gosh, You've been so helpful, I wish I had something helpful in return for you...I guess you have to weigh your options and decide which will benefit you most: a settled for less than amount, go ahead and save up for it and pay it off in full if they will agree to say "paid as agreed", or maybe after 2 years the major damage is done? From what I have read, Once it is charged-off, the major damage is done and time can make it better. Is there any way you can get a couple of secured cards in the mean time to try to make up for it and build up your score? Maybe rent for another year while you wait it out?

    I hope someone more knowledgeable chimes in soon!
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    i'm in the process of "negotiating"...hehe, if you search for me with wells fargo you will see they have a "habit" of pulling my credit every month. i'm trying to work the fixing of my credit history along with payment.

    yes they were aware - and that is another thread LOL!
  5. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    thanks! i'm just giving back for all that i have rec'd over the years from this site.

    it'll work out - it always does, i just get so frustrated that creditors aren't willing to work with someone. and i can't believe that they don't want to delete a TL if they receive full payment. they better hope i never end up in charge - LOL!

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