Banks that screw customers: Wamu (gee free checking, no service and lines up the wazoo at the bank I walk by in SoCal). Wells Fargo (I had an account with them back in the day and they sucked then, heard they suck even worse now). BofA (reports ANYBODY to chexsystems that makes one mistake it seems like) Union (they own a CHECK CASHING chain and are another chexsystems abuser) I know that there are people who love and hate the above mentioned banks. I use Cal Fed which is owned by the second largest thrift in the nation. I have had ZERO problems with Cal Fed as they never have lines and don't charge customers for dumb stuff. I also recommend United California Bank and Downey Savings (well run bank chains that don't gouge their customers for nickels and dimes). As for banks outside of California and Nevada, I don't know who sucks and who doesn't.
I havent set foot in a bank in years... ATM's, Online, Direct Deposit.. etc. That is the way to go, the lines are horrible!
Chase Manhatten sucks! When I started my job here in Dallas (At the time I lived in Miami), before taking off I deposited my check to cover moving costs. Had 6 checks bounce...reason?? Chase held my check for a week because the bank on the check was out of state. The company I worked for?? Circuit City - yeahhhh, that's a Fly-by-night company. Sounds really suspicious with their what, 1200-2000 stores??? Guess I should drive around the country counting stores to make sure they're not a front for a drug cartel. Chase claimed that by law they were required by law to hold the check for a week. I told them to get bent, they knew the truth - they got their cash that same day and made interest while making me wait for my funds. Just my rant, I'm getting off the soapbox now... GT
You are so funny!!!! The way I feel about banks right is that I'd probably be better off keeping my money under my pillow!! I did have good experience at WAMU branch today. It just depends on which branch you go to but they are nickel and dimeing you to death!!!
Small town banks and credit unions are the best. Customer service is better, more competitive rates, and you can actually talk to a real person. Dani
I hate this delayed system here in the south. Have direct deposit, TODAY is payday and hey, no money!! The story is: It's there, but it's NOT REALLY there. HUH??? I miss CA!!!! At the old Home Savings, when your direct deposit posted, wa-la! You could go withdraw cash if you needed to. Stop by an ATM whatever.... this sucks. I think I'll just cancel the direct deposit. Then if it's payday and I need $20 I can get it!
If you have direct deposit and it's your payday it has to be one of 2 problems: Either your company is not sending it in to post when it should or it's the banks fault. If your comapny is having it sent today and today is paypday then no your bank will not show it until their records update. This is not the banks fault. I have direct deposit and have used 3 different banks w/ no problems My company has the check going thru the day before payday so when my bank updates it is in my account on payday.
Well, it was posted a little late. Here at these banks (Suntrust, NBC, FT) it shows in my "available" balance, but not in my "current balance" THEY'RE the ones who explained to me, like I said that "it's technically there, but it's really NOT" the day we get paid. I was spoiled with HSA'S online system of it showing right when it posted. After banking there for many many years I guess I'm not as "used" to these banking systems as you are and our payroll is not run the day before as your's seems to be. I'll adjust.
I have National City and I love them. As far as free checking, I feel you get what you pay for...nothing. I pay 5.00 a month for my checking and earn 2.9 percent off my balance. I live in a smaller town but the tellers are great, and when calling the 800 number I never wait on hold. They even have free coffee and doughnuts..LOL
I SOOOOO agree with you. I stick with Cal Fed as they never make me wait in a line, on hold or treat me like a lousy unprofitable customer (BofA anyone?). I pay $3 a month for my savings account with an interest rate that is in the high 2s. I plan to apply for checking within the next week when I "drop off" of chexsystems (5 years of HELL).
I like my current setup, WAMU, also a pretty exclusive credit union where I used to live (250+ miles away), and ING Direct. WAMU is alright as long as you keep tabs on your account so as not to dip into the automatic overdraft they supply. So far in like 2-3 yrs I've only had it happen like 4 times, and twice they refunded it, so no big deal for free checking. I had a Bank of America account for a while (when I used to work for Lucky Food Stores --> now Albertsons) as an employee we were sposed to get better accounts--no fees, no limits, etc. But BofA still sucked. It was like charge free for a year, but then after that it was $2-3 just to go to a real person (for a deposit or w/d, or WHATEVER). They stuck me with an ATM checking account which meant that going to a teller cost me money. Then they claimed that I'd need like 2,500 in my checking account to upgrade so I wouldn't be charge to talk to someone. Screw that, I closed that pretty quick...they were kinda bummed... "You sure you want to close your account?" "Yeah" "You sure???" "Just give me MY money" Washington Mutual has been alright, the ones where I live don't have bad lines, you just have to know when not to go (like Friday at 5-6pm is horrible..obviously) but during the afternoon is no big deal.
Yes, as long as I don't keep $500 avg in my bank account per month. Some months I pay, others I don't. I don't know many banks that DON'T charge for savings only (unless you keep XXX amount of cash in the account).