First of all let me say that I apologize if these questions are redundant. I've looked at FAQs and have also done a search in this forum. Here are my questions: It is my understanding that when I get my credit reports in the mail one of the first steps is to send a letter correcting address and name. Is it okay to request correction for both name and address in the same letter? How should I request that my name be shown on my credit report for example "John Eric Doe" or like this "John E. Doe"? Which one is better? A Also, if my credit is updated to show my current address once the old ones have falling off my credit reports, What happens when I apply for jobs or something and the application asks to list your address for the past 7 years? Do I write down all addresses (for honesty sake) and if so will the old ones then show up again on my credit report after I've had them removed? Thanks in advance for your help!
I don't know how do do all that fancy formatting - so I'll answer as best I can in sections Ya, you can ask for name and address correction in the same letter. You're being truthful, the stuff ain't right, and you want it corrected. You ask that they put yer name what you want it to be. You can make it your legal name, or what you have most of your documents in. For example, I have Armondo (Last Name), and also A (Last Name), cause that's who I am, and what my documents say. The last 7 years of addresses - ya can probably write down the last 2 or 3. If they're sticklers, and want all 7, then if you fell comfortable, then do it. In 2 cases with me, an old address popped back up when a creditor updated my info, but they didn't update my job, so I fired up da computer and had it deleted from the bureaus again. And the #1 rule to remember in dis crazy world's not lying to NOT volunteer information that you're not asked for (wink wink).
TransUnion is very difficult about correcting your name. They will simply send a letter stating, 'we "report your name as creditors have reported it to us". Even if you send ID! Infuriating! Experian will not remove old addresses. They will have just about every address you've ever lived at!!! Equifax doesn't seem to care about those kinds of items.