I have a question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mr mouse, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. mr mouse

    mr mouse New Member

    If your paying a debt back. But they don't show it. Your credit report show a debt. Can any creditor take you to court. To try to claim that debt. How that work. ohio asking.
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Not just any one can file a lawsuit against you for a defaulted obligation.

    The original creditor or it's assignee can.

    If you defaulted on an obligation, and are repaying that obligation absent a written repayment agreement, the creditor may file a lawsuit to obtain a judgment against you.
  3. mr mouse

    mr mouse New Member

    I've been paying a debt back now for over 2 years. But It doesn't show anywhere, on my credit report. In fact it show more, then it is now. This other creditor is trying to get a judgment against me. for the amount shown, on the credit report.
    Any helpfull tips will help.
  4. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    Dumb Bob is confused. Are you saying that you are paying someone for an alleged debt and someone else is trying to get a judgment against you on that same alleged debt? Because if that's happening, you'll likely want to find out how two companies can own the same alleged debt at the same time. If two, why not three or four? This could get out of hand.
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    That's why you always need to validate and make sure that the company trying to collect is legally entitled to collect that debt. Just because someone says "you owe me money" doesn't necessarily mean that you do.
  6. mr mouse

    mr mouse New Member

    How do I validate this ?

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