I tried to get a cell phone in my name 3 days after I turned 18, and according to Equifax, my SSN # matches my drivers licence #, but the DOB I provided is different then what they have on record. Then they refuse to tell me what DOB they have and gave me a number to call. Once I call this number I go through this huge procedure entering my SSN and home address, eventually a major credit card (which I have to skip since I do not have one seeing as how I just turned 18 3 days before) and my birthday. Without this info it won't let me go any farther. You can probably see the problem. I have no credit card and my REAL DOB is useless and I don't even know what date of birth they are using. Because of this I cannot even get a credit report (which I shouldn't even have a credit file yet since I have never gotten anything in my own name) and a dispute number to call and deal with this in person. Basically I feel really screwed and I have no idea what to do. Am I just supposed to sent them a letter or something? Thanks for any advice.