I knew I liked Cap. One! YES!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Eric2OO2, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    I sent a request to planet feedback a couple days ago for a limit increase. I hadn't heard anything back from them so I called Capital Ones Retention number. Entered my account number, zip code, than it did some weird tone sounds in the phone and a rep. came on. I told him I'd like to receive a credit line increase , and more than $100 this time. He said let me take a look here and than told me that he was going to raise my limit to $1,000 and send me a gold card! The increase will take affect in 1-3 days and the gold card will take about a week to arrive. Ah, I am a happy man right now! Sorry for bragging but I had to tell someone. From $300 to $1,000 and a gold card! ...Yes!
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Way to go, Eric! :)

  3. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member


    so what king of card do you currently have (started out with)

    and how long did you have it until you asked for an increase.
  4. martig4

    martig4 Well-Known Member

    What is the Cap 1 retention number?
  5. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    Good going Eric...congratulations!
  6. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Congrats Eric!! I'm right there with ya!! Got a $300 increase today and not complaining!!! LOL
  7. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! I started with their secured card, well partially secured. I had to send in $49 for a $200 limit in October of 2001. In March of this year I called for a increase (the # on the back of the card) and they gave me a $100 increase. Today (6 months later) I called and they gave me the $700 increase and upgrade to a gold card. I received the # from someone in chat awhile back, cant remember who sorry. The number I called is 1-800-859-9939. I Never mentioned wanting to close my account or such, just asked for an increase and more than $100. I wonder what their gold card looks like! besides being gold of course..LOL
  8. ef

    ef Well-Known Member

    Way to go!

    I've had a secured Cap1 since '94 - started with a $400 deposit and $400 limit. Got an increase to $700 about 2 years ago. But since then - nothing.

    But I have been able to expand my relationship with Cap1 to include a $1K Gold Visa and recently a Platinum MC with an original limit of $500, but got it upped to $1,500 thanks to Mr. Cooke.

    I think I'll wait a few months to call about unsecuring or raising the C/L on the secured MC. Thanks for the 800#, I don't want to have to bother Mr. Cooke each time, only on special requests!

    Go Creditnet!
  9. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

  10. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    Eric, that sounds good so basically after a year you were able to get a gold card through to increases.. I am approaching my first month now.

    I have a 500/99 secured Visa and I use it very frequently but so far I have paid $0.0 in interest. I pay of my balance as soon as it shows up online.

    SO anyhow.. Eric, does the Gold Card means that the card is now unsecured? will your credit card number be that same when you receive the new card?
    if not I would imagine that your secured card will be closed and a new CC tradeline will open up..?
  11. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    Yeah it has basically been a year with capital one so far :) I was so shocked when he said Gold and $1,000 dollars all I could do was say thank you. LOL now that I think back on it the expression on my face probably looked pretty funny. I am going to give them a call back soon. I did ask if the account would report as the same date opened as my current account. He said it would and that the gold card will replace my current card. So basically I believe the card will remain secured but only with the original $49.
  12. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    Ooh one more question

    what are they checking when they consider a CL increase?

    do they do an inquiry on your credit report or base it soley on the usage of your current card? or a combination of both?
  13. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    I am not totally positive on that but he didn't have time to pull a credit report I dont believe. The whole phone call only took about 2 minutes. I believe he just checked the account history, payment history, and things like that.
  14. cma

    cma Well-Known Member

    They check payment history, current account balance, and length of time the account has been open. I recieved a 300% cl increase after 8 months of payments with one payment 2 days late. Eugene Cooke helped me with that one when Cap1 customer service said it had to be a year from the last late before increases could be given.

    So if you fail with customer service, try Eugene Cooke at the corp office
  15. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Told you, you would get it. Congratulations.
  16. Eric2OO2

    Eric2OO2 Well-Known Member

    You sure did, that damn GoG! I wonder if the PFB letter played into it at all ? I doubt it because I didn't mention it and never heard anything from Mr. Cooke. I was looking for you on AIM to share the news man!
  17. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

  18. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi Nave - too lazy to go back to the top LOL -

    Eric2002 - you'll start getting more and more preapprovals from them. As you know I am driving my A4 thx to that first $500 credit line 6 yrs back.

    aroo - dogman
  19. ef

    ef Well-Known Member


    On a whim I decided to try the Cap1 retention # [I was inspired by reading all of your postings!] and basically my 1 minute conversation with CSR went like this:

    - called the number, entered my account #, then whisked to a representative

    - she asked for my first / last name, last four digits of my SS#

    - "what can I do for you today?"

    - "I'd like to request a credit line increase on my Cap1 MC," I reply.

    - "Well, let's see what we can do" (keyboard clicks in the background)

    - "I'd just like to say that I've enjoyed being a Cap1 cardholder for the past few years," I brown-nose.

    - "Well, Mr. ____, you've been a cardholder for 8 years now, and I can increase your limit 1K. It will take 2 business days to take effect, and you will now have a c/l of 1,700."

    - "Thank you," I say enthusiastically.

    - "Thank you for being a Cap1 cardholder"

    WOW! Thank you creditnetters!

    One question: I notice if you have multiple Cap1 accounts, you still need to register each one separately on the website. Do you think their CS system is linked so that the CSR sees each account relationship you have with Cap1? Or are they separate?

    EXP 646
    EQ 650
    TU 638(?)

    next step: clean up my student loan tradelines
  20. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    no doubt they are linked......
    that's why you want all accts perfect - so the main page shows perfect - with the sub accts underneath.

    aarrff - dogman

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