They are giving me a Platinum Card Yeah Yeah Yeah. I have had their card since June 2000 and now I am being upgraded to Platinum. I am so happy. My first Platinum card
Congrats, Melissa! The first card they ever sent me was Platinum and it was my first cc since I was in college. Unfortunately, when I had the card stolen and reported it and they replaced it...they replaced it with a Classic card If I had known then what I know now, I would have been on the phone to them. Did you call them to ask for it? Were you carrying any balances? I have two from with a $2700 line and one with a $1700 line. Both are within $100 of being maxed out, but I'm working on paying them down now. I am hoping to get down enough so when I call them and ask for an upgrade with a lower interest rate, they will take me L
Congrats! You know what? It doesn't matter who hates 'em. If it works for you that's all that matters.
I carry about 1000 dollar balance right now with a limit of 4100 with a 16.9 % interest rate but they are upgrading it to Platinum(don't know if the rate will change) and giving me a 2000 dollar increase. It was sent as an invitation via US Mail. I didn't call them. I also have their MC with a 5100 dollar limit and zero balance. Providian has really giving me a chance at building my credit so I love them and I don't ever plan on messing up again. I usually charge anywhere from 250-450 a month with them and pay just about that much back or more depending on other random monthly bills(ie medical bills towards our family deductible of 1500, individual 500) I am pregnant right now too so we are having a lot more medical bills than normal.
Congratulations, Melissa!! I don't hate Providian. They really did help me when I was down. I never had a problem with my account and customer service was very good. I just can't understand why I could never receive a Platinum card. I was a card member for 5 1/2 years. I used my card heavily, paid way more than the minimum and never went over my limit. I called customer service, retention and wrote to the Executive offices numerous times, to no avail. My credit now is excellent and I have Platinum cards from other issuers. All I got was....."Platinum is by invitation only". Geesh, when would this invitation appear? Another 5 1/2 years? No thanks!! Maybe Providian is finally realizing that they will never keep their creditworthy customers if they don't reward them. I hope that's the case. A little too late for me. Too bad, so sad. I really did like Providian and I hated to lose that long open tradeline, but I just had to make a statement. It was okay to charge the high rate of interest, yearly fee and give me a no grace period when I was rebuilding. However, after I had proven myself, it was time to give me better account terms. They wouldn't do it, so I walked. I really am happy for you and I hope others receive the same treatment.
Congratulations, Melissa!! I don't hate them either - they gave me a chance when no one else would. But like others here, I have gone on to better things with other card companies because Providian wanted to keep me subprime. Maybe they are changing now. I still have the card, it's my oldest tradeline. I just don't use it much.
Melissa, congrats. I got my Plat. Providian last week. I was upgraded from a Gold to Plat. I too opened my account in June of 2000. I did not received a CL increase but did get a lower APR. A grace was included but my Gold card had a grace. Better looking card than the Gold. Same account number, just a different exp. date. Best regards, Mirage
Congratulations Melissa and Mirage on your upgrades!!!! Wow, Providian is finally waking up and is starting to take better care of their customers. I have a Getsmart classic visa $3,250 credit line in good standing since June 2000, I wonder if they are going to upgrade any of the getsmart accounts?
How do the terms differ for Platinum vs Gold? I am sitting at 16.9 with the Gold, had acct since 1/97, $9K limit...still no Plat Upgrade invitation. Are all you Gold card holders getting this invitation???
I don't if all Gold holders get the invite. I know I am the perfect Providian customer. I carrying a balance and even paid for a CL increase (pre-creditnet). The Plat. did offer a lower APR but from what I understand 16.99 is the lowest that Providian offers for a APR. Best regards, Mirage
Someone on this board mentioned some time ago that they are targeting better credit risk customers and he or she had a APR of 8.9
Congrats, Melissa, and EVERYBODY! Hi Board members I read these posts - Melissa, you did great with Providian. Miles and myself are in the "never get advanced" category. I know we both dumped the Providian card about the same time. Interesting the Providian Plat Cards have the same account number - remember when Gold was $5000, and PLATINUM was $7500 - $10,000? I do know that when I changed from classic to Gold accounts a few years back, they had to issue a new number and a new card. Do the Providian Platinum cards come with all the VISA PLATINUM benefits? Either way, they have improved a good deal - but, I am outta there! aarrff - dogman