I just got my exp inquiries back. one is a judgement that they verified but is paid. I have letter from court saying so and copy of the court record. do i send request for verification and then sue? how much do i sue for? The othe is student loan, came back verified with creditor statement that "payment is guaranteed by wage garnishment" . This have never happened, loan has been consolidated and never late. help,
U need to have this vacated if U can There are many post about that on this board. Do a search on judgements and another on Vacate. I know ther are others on here than can give you more input than I. ================================
You need to dispute this . As I said before others on here can give you good advice on this.Mean time you may want to do a search on disputing.
Court clerk says most delete upon submission of paperwork. item here is that they report as verified a judgment status that is clearly incorrect, has been paid over 1yago and reported 9/01 as verified. I was at courthouse yesterday!!!!
Here is what worked for me: I had a judgement from a defaulted NDSL. When I compelted the rehabilitation, I sent Experian a copy of the paperwork received from the University. Experian claimed to have "verified" the tradeline as accurate. I sat down wrote them a letter, explaining that there may have been an error in verifiying the judgement, but I am submitted the paperwork again and asked for removal. I told them if they didn't remove the judgement they were in violation of the STudent Loan Rehabilitation Act. I sent it to them certified return receipt. The day the received the letter they removed the judgement. My guess is they called the University. The Business office sent me a copy of a letter with a name and a phone number.
I wouldn't bet on that happening. I was told the basically the same thing when I filed my lawsuit against the local experian affiliate. They then petitioned the court to have it transferred to federal court. I filed an objection to that and am still waiting to find out what the judge does. My advice is to make sure you have absolute proof of your claims before you file, and if you do file, you may have to be prepared to hire an attorney if they get it transferred to federal court.
It's in the "Higher Education Act" (search at www.ed.gov) and there is a section 674.39 in it called the "Student Loan Rehabilitation Act". It allows a person to pay on a defaulted federal student loan for 12 months in exchange for reinstation of the loan (no more default) and deletion of all bad marks/tradelines of the student loan from the credit reports. http://www.carreonandassociates.com/sl.htm