I missed you all

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sassyinaz, Aug 1, 2002.

  1. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but now that the party is fizzling, it feels sorta like waking up after a college bash with a new tattoo. So, I'm gradually erasing the new tags. Gotta get back to reality, but gradually.
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    LOL LOL, are you going to pay for the laser tattoo removal with a credit card?

    Then you'd having disputing rights when they only removed 1/4 of it ;-).

    I do hope it says "Mom" then you wouldn't have to worry.

    Me, I'm still swooooooooooning, especially for a man that knows how to score points with tattoos.

  3. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Then there's the feelings of The Lovely Mrs. Quixote to consider. Not a trivial thing. But I appreciate the swooning. Doesn't happen too often to happily married guys in their late 30's. My ego is going to be outta whack for weeks after all this.
  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    No worries, I promise, have Mrs. Quixote compare notes with Mr. Sassy, 15 years this month for us, still smiling -- except I'm the only one remaining in the late thirties, lol.

    Mrs. Quixote knows I've good taste in swoooooning, I was doing her proud!

  5. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Hey Sassy! Yes, we were camping too, in Big Sur CA. I absolutely loved it!!! We spent a week just roaming Northern CA after that. We also camped two nights in the Redwood National Forest (which later had a fire as well) near Eureka. Wow! To end our trip, we spent a long weekend in SF doing touristy things--Chinatown, Alcatraz, etc. I love SF and Norther CA! The weather is the true attraction. If you live in Texas, and it was 104 at the airport when you got on the plane, 68 degrees and sunny is a Godsend!

    Glad you are back!

  6. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thirteen years next Monday for us.
  7. KristyW

    KristyW Well-Known Member

    Sassy, thanks for the report. I really do need to gete up there soon, I have property in Snowflake.

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