Can someone please send me a template for filing a complaint in Small Claims Court. I have searched the board archives as well as the internet can't find one. If you prefer you can also send it to my email. I am in New York if that matters in the format.
Help please. I am in the process of drafting my complaint and I can't find a template. If you can't help can you at least tell me where to look? Thanks
You can search here for Lizardkings JC Penny lawsuit or my "gulf state 10 minute lawsuit". I think if you just search here for "lawsuit" you should come up with a bunch.
Hi, When I filed it was a form with just basic information to fill out. I put violations of FCRA under why I was suing, and put $4000 (max) as damages. Check with the clerk of the court in your county. CBJ
same here, no details complaint: Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Refused to correct my credit report> that was it for my small claims: amount: $3000.00 (max)
Robin, I've never filed in small claims so I won't be much help. My hubby filed there once and he just picked up a small claims packet from the clerk and filled it out. It was simple. Also, check online for your local courts...often times they have the forms available for download. Good luck! L