I am researching. However, if YOU know ANY "DIRT" on Risk Management Alternatives, Inc that will help to reinforce my case against them in Justice Court, PLEASE forward. I am filing TOMORROW!!! ) Thanks a million, Keller
I know there is/was a class action case against them for reporting multiple tradelines on the same debts-- they claim it was a computer error (yeah, right). In my case, they waited 3 months to send validation, report "unable to locate consumer" on my credit report, re-aged the tradeline and verify the date when I dispute, and pull hard inquiries every month for no apparent reason except to harass me. In short- they are a pain in the butt.
I disputed an item and they pulled an inquiry. No reason for it whatsoever, the tradeline was deleted and the inquiry pulled on the 30th day. What a bunch of schmucks. Gib
Here's my story on RMA: They were reporting a trade on my EX...as an unpaid collection. The truth behind the collection account was that they returned it to Ameritech (phone company) and I paid them directly back in 98 or '99. I called RMA and ranted and raved to someone in their Georgia (Duluth, I believe) office. She researched it and sent me a letter acknowledging the account was paid. This was not satisfactory to me, but they just referred me to Ameritech for further info. Meanwhile (I did this at the same time I was workign with the lady in Duluth), I sent a flaming letter (I posted a copy on this board about a month or so ago) to their Illinois office demanding they delete the item from my report. About a week later, their item disappeared from my EX. About a week after that, I received a fax (from the IL office) stating they removed it from my report. So, the bottom line is: I had no success working with their main office in GA, but ended up getting what I wanted by working with their IL branch. The lady in their main office kept stating that they had to keep it on my report because Ameritech said they wanted it to stay there. I don't know if this was true or not, but it didn't settle well with me either way.
Thanks for your responses! Yes! They ARE a pain!!! If I HAVE to take them to court and they try and settle before the court date. . .I will NOT accept less than the $5,000 plus legal fees!! I feel that if I have to go THAT far with them before they back down, well, they waited a little too late. I'll take the money and the deletion and they can escape a JUDGEMENT, or, I'll take them to court, get the MONEY "AND" the JUDGEMENT! They can take their pick. I am NOT giving in to them!! BTW Matt, I remember us discussing your RMA situation earlier. I, too, am not having any luck with their Deluth, GA location. Can you refresh my memory on how you dealt with the IL branch. I really DO have better things to do than waste my time on a small claims issue. If I had the time, I would LOVE to pursue it, but in all actuality, I don't Didn't you email a demand letter and list ALL of their violations to the President or CEO of the company? Matt, DO TELL!! )
They tried to collect on me in Alaska but are not licenced here. As soon as I asked for validation they removed from my report.
I am filing on RMA on Friday. I am taking the day off from work to do this and am changing it to them. I have sent 3 letters CRRR and a notice of intent to sue. This is over a sears account that truthfully we probably may owe $100 on but somehow they managed to up it to $1040. All we wanted was the amount they felt could be validated because when we pay it will just go off the repot in October.(we lice in NY) But the ignorning me scenerio is pissing me off!
Docket Number; 00-CV-7538 Morris v Risk Management Alternatives, Inc. On Feb. 14, 2002, the plaintiff dismissed a class action brought against Risk Management Alternatives, Inc. (RMA) by consumers alleging that the sixth largest debt collection agency in the United States violated a federal statute, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, as well as the Illinois Collection Agency Act. The proposed class consisted of all individuals whose credit bureau files contained duplicate reports of the same debt, due to RMA's actions, at any time during the five-year-period ending on November 30, 2000. When RMA was assigned to collect a consumer debt, RMA reported the debt to a number of credit reporting agencies. The class action claims that RMA either negligently or intentionally assigned at least two account numbers to a large number of debts it was attempting to collect. As a result, RMA told the credit reporting agencies that a consumer from whom it was attempting to collect one debt instead owed two or more debts. Although RMA claims the errors were caused by a computer system conversion, the consumers maintain that even after they complained to the company their credit reports continued to show they owed the same debt under different account numbers. The consumers claim that this amounts to deceptive debt collection practices in violation of both the federal and state statutes. Risk Management Web Site; <http://www.rmainc.net> My note: I BELEIVE THIS CASE IS SOON TO BE RE-FILED. Here's where the dirt is: Willie James Morris Attorneys: Cathleen M. Combs Edelman, Combs & Latturner http://www.edcombs.com/ 120 South LaSalle Street, 18th floor Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: (312) 739-4200 Fax: (312) 419-0379 E-mail: edcombs@aol.com Daniel A. Edelman Edelman, Combs & Latturner http://www.edcombs.com/ 120 South LaSalle Street, 18th floor Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: (312) 739-4200 Fax: (312) 419-0379 E-mail: edcombs@aol.com Good Luck,
I have the same problem with RMA and sears. I have asked for a validatiion on how my balance of maybee $1,000 got to $2,400. Is sears listed on your CRA or RMA? It just shows sears on mine. It also states they purchased it from sears. I live in Illinois and want to sue them too. I really just wan't the sears item to be removed from the CRA's. Do you think I should send a validation letter to sears for validation? Good luck.
I had an RMA account that they split into two accounts on my CRA report, left the original, and re-aged the two new accounts. When I sent them copies of the original reporting and the changed reporting with a threat to sue they deleted. I think you'll also find that RMA is / was a part of our friend Equifax. Greg