I need help - Legal Advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by justify73, May 5, 2005.

  1. justify73

    justify73 Member

    I have a student loan that I've never been late on (NELNET) that's all of a sudden been reported 90 and 120 days late in 12/03 and 1/04. I have documentation showing this information is incorrect.

    I disupted via snail mail once, and the item came back verified. I redisputed again, this time with a stronger tone and a caution against violation of the FDCA, and it got worse. It's now marked as a PAID COLLECTION, with 90 and 120 still showing.

    What's my next step? Suing? As I said, I have all documentation showing that they're incorrect, I'm just not sure that I should sue, WHO I should sue, and where I should sue them.

    I'm getting tired of this, though. This is dragging my FICO below 700.

    Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. I've been dealing with this for over six months and would like a resolution soon.

  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Give them each a chance to correct the information...
    1-get a letter from the Student loan people stating you were never late, and the loan is not in colelctions.
    2-Dispute as never late with the CRA and include a copy of the letter
    3.If the CRA does not correct the entry, drag the student loan people into the picture and put it to both of them like this:
    1. My account is in good standing with you, but according to my CR it is being reported as in collections
    2. I have tried to correc this with the CRA, but they will not enter the proper information
    3. My credit score is suffering because of this innacurate information from YOUR tradeline
    4.Either you get this fixed with the CRA or I am going to sue both you and the CRA
    5.I will also file complaints with the FTC, and my State Attorney General's Office unless this is resolved
  3. justify73

    justify73 Member

    Excellent advice. I never thought about having NELNET send me a letter. I'll give that a shot.
  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I need help - Legal Advice

    Just a disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV!
  5. justify73

    justify73 Member

    Re: Re: I need help - Legal Advice

    Not a problem, I won't hold you to it.

    The problem I've been having is that Nelnet is saying "We're reporting correct info" and Equifax is saying "We're verifying correct info". If I could get one of them to give me something in writing to that effect, I could go after the other.

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