I need Help!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by anoury, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. anoury

    anoury Member

    I have been getting letters and phone calls from West Asset Management. When I first started getting letters I tossed them. I thought they were junk mail. Then there number would pop up on my caller ID during the day while I was gone, no messages on my machine. They I call about getting a mortgage and my friendly mortgage guy tells me about these collection from West Asset on my credit report. I pull my report. Sure enough, there it is. So, even though it is LONG past 30 days since I received their letters. I mailed them a validation request. Based on their response. This is what I have for info:

    -The debt is for just over $1000 for medical services
    -The bill to name on the acct is mine, the patient name is in my maiden name and misspelled (not sure that matters)
    -The service date is 6/12/02
    -There on contractual adj on the statement dated for 6/12/02
    -The billing date is 11/29/04

    I do not feel as though this is my debt. I did not have the services done that they are stating.

    I am still getting letters and phone calls from the CA. What do I need to do to get them to stop calling and sending letters and what steps do I need to take to get this removed from my CR.

    What obligation do I have to this CA? They are based in TX and I live in NH? Does that matter?

    I want to get a better rate when I buy a house and I need to have this removed in order to do so!

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    did you DV yet? if you did and they replied properly you could offer a pay for delete. DO NOT tell them you are trying to buy a home!!!!!
  3. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    Medical billings are notoriously inaccurate.

    If you didn't have the services claimed, then it can't be your debt.

    If you're still receiving letters, send a CMRR letter to the address listed and inform the CA that it is "inconvenient" for them to telephone you at home or at your place of employment. That's all you have to say. Then, while the letter is en route, if you receive a telephone call, tell them the same thing. If possible, record it. Tell them it's inconvenient for them to telephone you and be sure to use "inconvenient".

    Don't tip your hand that you're shopping for a mortgage and that you want this off the CR.

    There's a better than even chance that they'll call after receiving your CMRR letter and that's when you record the conversation or memorialize it.

    You then send them a ITS letter with their numerous [you hope] violations listed especially if they call and a copy of the Summons you intend to file. They can either pay you now, or pay you later, and they can permanently remove this derogatory TL off your CR.

    Move it along, don't wait and include the Summons. It'll get their attention and you won't be debating with insurance companies, obtaining EOB's or the like.

    If you know you never had the services claimed, play hardball.
  4. anoury

    anoury Member

    Okay, I think there is some great advice here. However, I'm not savvy enough to get some of your abreviations so I am not quite ure how to respond to some of your questions...

    CA - Collecion Agency?
    CR - Credit Report?

    Can someone fill in the blanks?

  5. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    DV - dispute and validate.

    CMRR[R] - Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested

    CA - Collection Agency

    CR - Credit Report

    ITS - Intend To Sue

    TL - Trade Line; also referred to as "account"

    EOB - Explanation of Benefits.

    If you're dealing with a medical account, and had insurance, you would receive an EOB from your insurance carrier. It would tell you if you were at Dr. Y's office on a particular date and what services were covered by your insurance policy.

    If you're certain you never had the services or treatment claimed, be very assertive in your approach which means be timely and follow-through with a paper trail.

    This is why you would send letters CMRRR and keep a copy of anything sent because you want to approach the issue as if it would be brought before a judge. You want to keep all receipts in an orderly manner, the green card that's returned is the beginning. You're able to prove that your letters were received and the date. You want to create a trail of evidence on the record.
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    A contractual adjustment implies an insurance claim was paid. Have you checked with the insurance company you had at the time to see if a claim was submitted against your policy around that date of service?

    If the hospital erroneously submitted a claim for services not performed against your account, or submitted someone else's claim against your account, I bet your insurance company will be interested.

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