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I need to repair my credit..help.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by PBC, Aug 26, 2002.

  1. PBC

    PBC New Member

    Hi All,

    I'd like to introduce myself, first of all. I'm new to this forum, but need some help with repairing my credit. A friend told me about this site and it seems to be informative.

    To give you a little background on how bad my credit is, I can't even get a cell phone without making a hefty deposit. :p I'm not in that much debt, but it's enough to cause concern. I'd say I'm in about 2-3k of debt. That said, what are the first steps towards clean credit I should take? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi PBC,

    Welcome to the board.

    Let me see if I can explain something that may or may not help you, that's your decision.

    I joined this board 3 months ago. The first day I spent 18 hours reading these posts. The next day I realy got serious. I've read AT LEAST 20,000 posts. Studied FDCPA and FCRA 10 times. Printed out and studied AT LEAST 20 Cases (lawsuits filed against CRA's and CA's).

    Of course I'm a bit fortunate to be able to bring myslef up to speed very quickly becasue I'm self employed and was in a a postion to take a lot of time off to read, read, and re-read. After 3 months the stack of stuff I have printed out if 2 feet high, (that's feet not inches).

    And I'm a Financial Planner in the first place and have been since 1980 so I had a "leg up" to begin with.


    Now, you are more than welcome to be here and will be treated with the utmost respect but for your own sake, please study hard before you do anything yet.;


    Even tho this person was a plant we still feel this thread provides an excellent case study of what can happen if we act too quickly.

    I'm telling you this because we care about you and how successful you are going to be.

  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Good welcome, Butch! Welcome aboard PBC!!! Read the "newbie FAQ's" a couple of times, and like Butch said read alot of posts and more posts. The FCRA and FDCPA are true musts. Depending on where you live the state may have even more stringent consumer laws. Charlie
  4. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    The thread only goes to the creditnet homepage.
  5. PBC

    PBC New Member

    Thanks for the welcome, guys. :) I will read those when I get the chance. I would like to read it all, but unfortunately I don't have much time everyday due to work. Anyways, thanks again.
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Aha, PBM deleted it then, I'll adjust.


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