I NEED YOUR HELP-BAD!how to dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by denise1020, Feb 22, 2003.

  1. denise1020

    denise1020 Well-Known Member

    Here is my tu credit report!!! Can some one give me some pointers


    All 3 of these are the same account with different account #'s
    *Onyx acceptance:charged off as bad debt/updated 1-2003/opened 3-1998/closed 9-2001 (should be included in bank as of 5-2000) balance of 5313/most owed 7915
    *Onyx acceptance: Charged off as bad debt/updated6-2001/opened 3-1998/closed 7-2000 (should be included in bank as of 5-2000) balance of 5312/most owed 5312
    *Onyx acceptance: repossession/updated 7-2000/opened 3-1998/closed 5-2000 (should be included in bank as of 5-2000) balance of 0/most owed 7914

    *Keybank USA: Purchased by another lender/updated 4-2000/opened 12-96/paid off 4-1998/balance 0/most owed 0 (this should be included as well, i think)

    *assoc/citi: Charged off as bad debt/updated 11-98/opened 12-96/closed 5-1998/balance 1521/most owed 1521 (think this is the keybank one, it should be in bank

    *PDI Man Srv: collection acct/updated 9-2002/opened 10-2001/closed 9-2002/balance 1877/most owed 1877 (don't know what the heck this is)

    *JBA services: collection acct/for 2 bad cks/updated 6-2002/placed 8-1999/balance 120/most owed 120

    *Puget sound collections: paid collection/ account from apartment that can't find my account/updated 1-2002/place 6-2000 balance 0/most owed 295

    *4 accounts that were included in bank all showing status of unrated. one of these accounts say paid off in 1996 (I filed bank in 2000) one other one says paid off in 1998 (again I filed bank in 2000) on these 2 accounts

    My bankruptcy was discharged on 8-2000/it is showing an account number with 4 more numbers at the beginning of the account #/assets $0/liability $0

    One of those bkrup accounts says "bkrpt/acct closed by consumer--what does this mean
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    have you read the first three threads? most people start by disputing simply as not mine and wait to see what happens!
  3. denise1020

    denise1020 Well-Known Member

    <bump>--i'm getting kind of desperate--we're trying to clean up our credit so we can buy a new van!!!

    Thanks in advance
  4. kelcol

    kelcol Well-Known Member

    Denise, I am in the same boat you are in. We want to buy a van, but there is no "quick fix". Someone had a signature here that said "You didn't mess up your credit in a day, Don't expect to fix it in a day" and I have been trying to live by that motto! Best advice is as union diva said, read the first 3 threads on the forum and start disputing w/ the CRA's as not mine. Some may fall off very easily just doing it that way, some may not. If some accounts don't fall try try again!!

    Good luck, what kind of van are you looking to buy? Do you know what your scores are?

    Actually very first thing should be get any old names, addresses, etc off of your reports....you can usually do this w/ a phone call!
  5. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    Your best improvement will come in the first month. Dispute everything as not mine.

    Dispute the BK as "I never filed a 0 Asset 0 Liability BK."

    I did this with all. TU ultimately deleted 1 of my 2 BKs, ALL tradelines except my 2 current credit cards.
    EX deleted both BKs and all but 2 collection accts (their atty said they will delete). EX had 7 good tradelines for me and 2 old derrogs (1 says included in BK/never late, the other says settled legally for less than full amt) EQ kept BKs, deleted all but 2 paid coll and upgraded ALL other tradelines to "Pays as agreed"!

    Look at my scores below. Before repairing my credit, I was able to finance a 2001 Suzuki Esteem at a horrible interest rate, but I needed the car.

    Right now I am buying a home in Jax, FL. The mortgage broker says "No problem" qualifying with my scores!!! :)

    Get started and see where life takes you from there.
  6. denise1020

    denise1020 Well-Known Member

    And so did you just dispute that you never filed 0 asset 0 liability bankruptcy. Or did you have to file each and every tradeline that they included in bank. and then dispute the tradelines that were not included in bank. Can you tell me exactly what you did? Did you do it online or by mail?

    Thanks alot
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Someone had a signature here that said
    "You didn't mess up your credit in a day, Don't expect to fix it in a day"
    I like this signature better:
    You did not damage your credit in a day-They screw it up instantly !
    The END ************************* LB 59

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