I opened a can of worms

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Apr 24, 2001.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I sent a validation letter to a CA. They kept ignoring me and I sent 2nd request and finally a 3rd request. Well today, I checked my mail and there were the original bills/statements from the original creditors being sent by IC Systems (the CA), with a note saying here is proof you owe this debt, we will continue with our collection activity. Well hell, it was due to fall off on 2-02, so I should have left it alone. Well you live and learn :(

  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Now What?

    Ok, so what is your next step. Has the SOL past. If not, are they demanding you pay it now.

    Do you plan to file a small claims lawsuit? How does this work NOW?

  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Re: Now What?

    Gosh Roni, I don't know....lol. I think the SOL in Texas is 6 yrs, so it has passed. They didn't ask for payment. I'll leave it alone until February when it falls off my report. I figured being so old it would be easier to validate. So far, I've had everything else removed that I validated, but they must want that $40 and $167 awful dang bad. Man you just don't know whether to flip or flop sometimes, I did get 4 things deleted off TU today or got the report today, I noticed I have 2 old things, but I'm not even gonna touch them. One falls off in 11-00 and one in 1-02.

  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Now What?

    Did you dispute the other items off your report (which is what I did) OR did you use the validation process to get them removed? I assume it was thru disputing since validation is so new.

  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Re: Now What?

    I disputed the other things directly with the CRA. Some that were verified, I tried to validate. I've had some success with that. I'm in a stop, look and hold mode right now to see what to do now.

  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Now What?

    I opened a can of worms
    Author: Christi (spider-wd031.proxy.aol.com)
    Date: 04-24-01 14:51

    I sent a validation letter to a CA. They kept ignoring me and I sent 2nd request and finally a 3rd request. Well today, I checked my mail and there were the original bills/statements from the original creditors being sent by IC Systems (the CA), with a note saying here is proof you owe this debt, we will continue with our collection activity. Well hell, it was due to fall off on 2-02, so I should have left it alone. Well you live and learn :(


    Reply To Message ===What they sent you was not validation!
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    So what do I do then? I think they assume as I did, that was proof.

  8. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Re: lb

    Did they reply to all of the questions and informatin you requested???? On the letter is says if you don't do all of this it doesn't count (wording is different).
  9. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member


    So are you saying that what they should of sent is a copy of some sort of contract? Like an original application? Why wouldn't statements be validation? Would copies of her canceled checks as payment on the account be validation?
  10. Tonya

    Tonya Guest

    Re: lb

    I sent a letter today to equafax for an IC collection. It is a dr bill from 5 years ago and I doubt they will verify it. We will see what happens here.
  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: lb

    Could you elaborate a LITTLE More please. How is that not validation. They sent the original Bills and statements. I assume these statements and bills validate her non payment. Do they need to send a contract? Is that it? I am assuming they need both in this case. So does she file a lawsuit? That is my question. Help the lady out. EVERYONe was so Quick to rush to validation.....dont leave Christi in a tiff NOW....

  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Tonya....good luck

    Mine was for a medical bill too. They did their research even though it took them over 90 days to do it. They originally removed it from my CR, but I guess it will be coming back now :( I should have disputed with the CRA while I was waiting for them. I don't know. Somewhere I went wrong. But it can sit till Feb, 2002. They sure won't get anything from me and I don't think they can collect, if they even try I'm gonna ask for their license number, if they are licensed in my state and remind them the SOL is up so they are SOL too.........lol.

  13. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Re: lb

    I'm not sure what lb means to do next, but the statements could mean that SOMEONE owes the debt, not necessarily Christi. SOMEONE charged those things, but it may have not been Christi. I believe that proof of validation COULD include the statements/bills, but should you not have something in your possession that says YOU, in this case Christi, signed for those items, or even the original contract?

    Hope this helps,

  14. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Re: lb

    IF you sent that Lizard validation letter it says at the bottom, if any of this requested info is not provided then you didn't validate..... I don't have a copy of the letter with me at work so I can't quote it. WHat exactly did you ask for when you validated? original signature, contract, statements, etc.????
  15. Bill Bauer

    Bill Bauer Guest

    You should have learned

    I sent a validation letter to a CA. They kept ignoring me and I sent 2nd request and finally a 3rd request.
    There have been posts on this board telling you what you should have done.

    1st, you should never have sent them more than one. There is no need to keep on chewing your cabbage over and over again.

    You should have hit them with the Estoppel letter posted several times at the end of 30 days unless you recieved other collection letters from them before the end of the 30 days. In that event, if you had put a gag on them, they would have been in violation of the FDCPA and you could have hit them with that on the spot, following up with the Estoppel at the end of 30 days.

    All of this has been posted many times on this and other boards.
    I checked my mail and there were the original bills/statements from the original creditors being sent by IC Systems (the CA), with a note saying here is proof you owe this debt,

    Exactly what was the wording of their alleged proof. I'm willing to bet they may have hoodwinked you into believing their fairy tales. Pretty good chance you just been had, and you need much more sophisticated methods to go after them with. Right now, it's going to depend on what their proof consisted of.
  16. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    It is also in Books. Dont hit!

    That is why I suggested that people read more than this site so that they can not make mistakes. I read how to do this from credit repair sites and books.

    But everyone bit my head off.

  17. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    Post the letters you sent chri

    I think they (people here) may be able to help if you post them.
  18. molly

    molly Well-Known Member


    I know you posted this before but what are the books
  19. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Re: Roni-

    OH, heck no. I wont subject myself to that again. I will just tell you and I want everyone else to leave me alone.

    I was a schoolteacher before my NOW chosen profession ANd I advocate READING.

    THAT IS HOW I FOUND THE OMBUDSMANS OFFICE. No one TOLD me about them when I asked for help.

    Creditinfocenter has great cease and desist letters.
    Carreon and Associates has the bomb letters to right.
    Guaranteed credit has the FCRA and FDCA in it for you to read. A whole multitude of websites with free and low fee information are also available.

    And DONT HIT ME.

  20. Bill Bauer

    Bill Bauer Guest

    Didn't think so!

    Great! Way to go!
    That is why I suggested that people read more than this site so that they can not make mistakes. I read how to do this from credit repair sites and books.
    But everyone bit my head off.

    Don't think I can really agree with you there. That may very well happen yet, according to recent history, but I can't say anyone so far has shown anything but surprise because you posted something they most likely would rather not have heard I think you did a valuable service to this community in bringing out what you did. Maybe people will learn not to take everything they see as the Gospel according to WHOMEVER.

    No matter who is doing the posting, people need to learn to take things they find posted and then ask themselves some serious questions. Like, Ok, This looks great, but what happens IF?? Fill in your own blanks after the IF.
    If you don't have an answer that is logical and makes sense to you at the very least, then you need to file that one somewhere and learn the answers to those questions you just asked yourself.

    One should know in advance that they are going to come back and claim they have proof or they will go get it. In most cases, you know in advance whether or not the proof will be shortly forthcoming. Then what are you going to do? Cry a lot and wonder why it didn't work? Blame and flame the person who gave you the idea? Not a good way to go!

    Just take LizardKing's validation letter for instance. Can you blame and flame him because it didn't work when you didn't have enough info to use it properly? What is he supposed to do? Buy you books, send you to school and then sit back and watch you eat the pages?? Take the heat for you not doing what you should have done in the first place which was to check it out, think about it and use some common sense? You know the answers to all of that.

    I'm not defending LizardKing here, but I'm not knocking him either. Just because he accepted someone else's sophistery and bluster does not mean you have to as well. After all, if he told you to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and there was this magic safety net down there that he heard about, would you go ahead and jump?

    Bill Bauer

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