I owed the money, and paid it,...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by loac, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. loac

    loac New Member

    but they didn't even give me notice before they sent a negative report to the credit agencies. What should I do now?

    BTW, I read the FAQ and many other threads, but it didn't appear that anything I read would directly apply to my situation, So I am asking what the group's advice is.

    Here's what happened: I had a Sears (Citi cards) credit card account, I bought one thing on the card ($165.) and then shortly thereafter called Sears and canceled the card. I thought that I paid off the card when I canceled it, however it turns out I didn't.

    Two months later I got a notice in the mail saying that I owed this money. I thought that they were mistaken, and meant to call them and get it straightened out...then a few days later I get a call from what I believe was an in-house collection agency. They said that I owe $230 now because of late fees and finance charges. I quickly looked at my bank statement and realized that they were right - I hadn't paid them yet. So I gave them the information and paid it over the phone.

    The problem is that I get a letter today that they have sent a negative report to the credit agencies.

    What should I do to get this removed?

    I have paid all my bills on time for years, and I overlook this one bill, and I have a negative report on my credit. That makes me mad, to say the least.

    I would really appreciate any help you can give.


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