My Equifax updated and after a charge-off, a 30 day late payment history, and a 90 day late payment history and two "too new to rate" accounts from 96 and 97 were score DROPPED from 662 to 621. This *has* to be from those two "Too new to rate" accounts being removed...doesn't it? I just can't win :::Sigh:::. I have two 30 day lates on my Equifax report from 12/96 and 7/97 and that's all. :::sigh::: I guess I'm just never going to get the big scores. Now I can't figure out what the problem is. So much for my prime card. <boohooo> L
I'll boo hoo with ya score has gone from 705 Jan/Feb to 680 to 660 to its current state of 647 (or something close).... One derog left (a 60 day student loan late from 1995); yes, I've opened several new trades....but, I didn't kill anybody for pete's sake.... Stupid FICO... Maybe if I keep paying everything on time, my score will drop to 600 by August....LOL. David
Doesn't the date of the late come into play - meaning if you got a 30 day late from last year off your report, there would be a boost.... but getting a 30 day late from 1995 off your report isn't gonna give you much, if any, of a boost. Ozzy.
Thanks Lizardking, and everyone else for commiserating with me. It occured to me in the middle of the night that it might be the late pays, but it didn't make sense to me because they were on there before...its not like they were newly added. The thing is though...they were marked in dispute. I'm going to dispute them again and see if my score bounces back up. It hard not to get discouraged when something like this happens. I was just so sure it would hit 670...I mean I only needed 8 little points for pete's L
1*? I just can't win :::Sigh:::. 2*Now I can't figure out what the problem is. Tilting at windmills... ======================. 1*Of course you can't because it's rigged for them to win. 2* See #1.
Getting ONE 30 day late from 1997 deleted along with corrected balances on my CC (paid in full each month) raised my EQ\FICO score almost 80 points. That 30 day late was the last derog. I agree it is that LAST negative that seems to get the most "bang for the buck" in your score. JohnM
This is really eating at me. You husband has 697 on Equifax with a four year old Ch 7 Bankruptcy. I have a tradeline that is an R1, Paid as agreed with two late payments that are 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 years old and I have a 621? Something is just wrong with this picture. Hubby can't get good cards (except DMB) because of the bk despite the score...I can't get good cards with a fairly decent report. Very, very frustrating! L
Re: I simply don't believe it... whyspers | 1007 posts since Oct 2001 | 05.30.2002 @ 11:18 This is really eating at me. You husband has 697 on Equifax with a four year old Ch 7 Bankruptcy. I have a tradeline that is an R1, Paid as agreed with two late payments that are 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 years old and I have a 621? Something is just wrong with this picture. Hubby can't get good cards (except DMB) because of the bk despite the score...I can't get good cards with a fairly decent report. Very, very frustrating! L Tilting at windmills.... ================ Another example of the fico hoax at work' *************************************
Did you and your husband "opt out" on inquiries? Did you sign the "privacy" statements limiting divulging of account information? If so, you are reaping a little known side effect,you have been shut out of the great American competitive marketing mechanism.