I think I am screwed....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by monamour, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. monamour

    monamour Well-Known Member

    I filed for BK7 04/13/2002
    Meeting of creditors 06/03/2002
    BK7 discharged 8/13/2002

    When I filed , I told my attorney that I wanted to keep my fist, second mortgage and car loan .He never told me I needed to file a separate debt reaffirmation agreement.
    Now the mortgages and car loan are showing on my credit report as included in the BK and after doing some research it appears that it is too late to file a reaffirmation agreement with these creditors.(Should have been done within 60 dyas after the meeting of creditors)

    Anyone with previous experience regarding this?

    Thanks for your time.
  2. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    You might just want to contact the creditors and ask if you can reafirm...

    Bankruptcy lawyers are all stupid...

    Just my humble opinion.

  3. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi monamour - they can easily amend it to correct it.
    Call your attorney and let him straighten it out.

    When I filed, Neiman Narcus came at me abpout 1 yr later and said they were never included in the BK.

    That took one letter from my attorney and the trustee told them to go to hell. So to speak...

    no worries - just a fix....

    aarrfff dogman
  4. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    If the 1st and 2nd on the house are current keep them that way. Same goes for the car too.

    I don't think the mortge. people will forclose if you are current.
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Boy where's CLC when we need er?

  6. monamour

    monamour Well-Known Member

    The first , second and the car are all current, the problem is that the creditors are listing them as INCLUDED in The BK , thus damaging my score insteat of improving it.
    All of this because I never was informed that I needed to file a reaffirmation agreement.
    Called the layer twice, He's not returning my call, I m gonna go see him tomorrow
    Thanks for the replies.
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thing is...the reaffirmation has to be approved by the trustee. Don't be suprised if your attorney wants to charge you more to fix this. Stand firm as this is something he/she should have followed through on. If in your petition and schedules you state that you want to reaffirm the debt...it is up to him to get the reaffirmation agreements or at the very least advise you on how to go about it.


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