I stumbled on this site by accident. I had absolutely no idea you could do any of this stuff! I thought I was just doomed for seven years. I am still leary that I can do any substantial improvement for my credit score. It is in the low 400's right now. I have six negatives and I have been late about a hundred times! This is all very confusing to me. What is the difference in verify and validate? What is the very,very first step? Do you just dispute with the CRA that the account is not yours without doing one of the above first? I have at least 500 more questions (yes, I have been reading, reading, reading!) but I'll just throw them at you a couple at a time. Thanks
If you believe the account is not yours you should dispute with the CRA, and send a validation of debt to the CA. But if the account is yours, you should contact the agency reporting the tradeline and work something out with them for payment, possible deletion of the tradeline.
Go to the "search" here. Input "validation" and for User Name input "Butch". You'll get the info you need. It's solid reputable work.
World's Greatest Validation Letter: Keep it simple. Here's the validation letter from the Spears v. Brennan case; Date (within 30 days of receipt of Dunn) ABC Collections 123 West Street Anytown, USA 12345 Regarding alleged account # 123456789 Cert Mail # xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Sirs, This alleged debt is disputed in its entirety, and strict proof is demanded immediately! Regards, You (send all correspondence certified and retain all correspondence received **including ** envelopes.)