Wells Fargo lets you use a EIN in place of a SS#. It's right on their application. BTW...no one has ever been able to come up with a case # for someone convicted of obtaining credit without using their own SS#. You can also create a new file using your real SS# too. Ask any undercover federal agent.
You can ahead and use the phone or mail to obtain credit using a fraudulent SSN. Be sure to send me a postcard to let me know how your golf game is going.
Thanks for dragging up this old deal on Lex. Their rate got my attention but when they were on just about every spammer scammer credit site that kinda bothered me a bit. As pointed out by many Lex cannot do more than YOU can at best only less and at a cost..
Its actually a seperate crime to obtain EIN as a substitute for a SSN. How you use it is irrelevant. The crime is obtaining it for the purpose of defrauding a creditor. It is a seperate crime to then use that EIN as a SSN when a SSN is requested. Two crimes, not one
Rocket, The Lexington rep once posted sample Lexington letters on this site for a period of 24 hours if memory serves me correctly. Needless to say, the contents of these letters was similar to what you posted. The Lexington rep explained that their intent was to make their disputes appear as they were written by the average person. I suppose there might be a method to their madness. However, that said I prefer to struggle on my own then ever pay anyone else again.
The letters I got back could have been written by a 4 year old. The only thing missing was the stick figure drawn in crayon. All TU has to do is pick out all the letters in 24 type print with sentence fragments and they will flush out 90% of Lex's letters.
It isn't illegal to obtain credit using other than your own SS#. It's just illegal when you do it on an application that specifically asks for your SS#. I have also never personally met anyone who did this successfully or otherwise. What I would be concerned about is getting yourself flagged under the new U.S. Patriot Act as a terrorist trying to launder money. When this happens there will be no case number, there won't even be a trial. Gib
Now they are a law firm, and obviously have the ability to take cra's and ca's to court which a few people here have been extremely successful with...but they don't. The reason they do not take anyone to court is because they cannot. Each state has its own bar and you must pass 50 bar exams to practice in every state (maybe 1 or 2 exceptions). I have to laugh now when I read Lex's site when they say "we can do everything non-lawyers can and everything they can't" (or something like that). No you can't. Maybe in Utah you can file suit, but what about little ole me in Louisiana. I know for a fact you cannot practice in Louisiana without passing La's bar because the civil law is different. La does not allow you to become a member of the bar otherwise.
that first sentence was supposed to eb a quote from a previous post. man I need to get the hang of this cn board
I'd like to point out that not all shills are paid. Everyone brings hidden personal motives and unacknowledged outside influences onto this board. Being a professional doesn't invalidate your opinion. Posting on this board for free doesn't prove your point. Claiming purity is never a substitute for evidence. There are all kinds of motives behind the posts here: emotional problems, bad days, personal revenge, rebellion against impersonal bureaucracies, authoritarian identification with the government or other large institutions, the apparent ease and spurious certainty of regurgitating government or corporate propaganda... concern for others, the need to feel important, idealistic support for causes, a sense of community, personal relationships... And then there are those who are openly doing business, or openly identifying their involvement in a particular business. That's as good a motive as any.
I agree about repeating the same mistakes... that's why I posted that I am happy with the new limits I've gotten from new cards, because I feel they fit my income/capability-to-repay-quickly. However, I get the same emails from Lexington, and my time on this board has made me realize that you CAN do this yourself, and that the money spent paying Lexington can be spent doing it yourself (with, of course the help of people here), and in the end, if you do it on your own, you have yourself to blame or thank. No 3rd parties in the way of that.