Actually, there are. I wasn't agreeing with you, per se, but just clarifying WHAT you were trying to say. The bottom line is: if you have an earned income over a very small minimum, odds are you're required to file a tax return. And odds are, you're paying some income tax. If you're one of those "the IRS is illegal and unconstitutional, and you don't REALLY have to pay income taxes", then you're nothing short of a lunatic to me. If that's not your opinion, accept my apologies. But if I'm right, then you're wrong. Everybody that files a tax return has to have a TID (tax ID). For most people, it's their SSN. You can request to have a substitute number issued (referred to as your TID), but that's rare. But, again, you use your SSN when filing tax returns. Have you never filed a tax return? Even if a child was born in a cave in Montana by a witch doctor, that child must either HAVE a SSN or (the parent) HAVE APPLIED for one, IF THE PARENT(S) want to claim that child as an exemption on their tax returns. You're losing my empathy here. Yes, MANY Mormans have SSNs, as do many Native Americans. Again, if you earn an income, you have to file a tax return, and you can't file one without an TID/SSN. So does Mitt Romney, a GOP candidate and frontrunner for the Office of the President of the United States, and who is worth somewhere in the ballpark of a quarter of a BILLION dollars, does he NOT have a SSN? Please, you're killing us here. Yes, but you don't answer to "your creator" when the IRS comes banging on your door, wondering why you failed to file an income tax return for your earned income. And "your creator" isn't going to help you when you try to open a bank account, but do not have an SSN/TID. "Your creator" can't help you when you want to go to work for an employer, but you refuse to provide a SSN/TID for them to report your earnings with. That is, unless, you plan on not working, not banking, and not filing a tax return. Unfortunately, you don't have to AGREE with 'the whole tax till you die thing' - but you DO have to COMPLY with it. Or go to prison. And it looks as if you answered my earlier question myself. The only gibberish I've seen so far is your repeated postings of inaccurate, misleading, and blatently false information. You may not AGREE with the 'tax thing', but you don't have a choice. And if you want to utilize various services and opportunties in this country (e.g., legitimate employment, banking, complying with the federal tax laws, etc.), you HAVE to have an SSN - and use it.
I guess that, according to Drob, Mitt Romney doesn't have a SSN, eh? A net worth of ~$250 MILLION, and no SSN. Wow, how DOES he do it?
Well, I've known quite a few Mormons who work for the government, and I can assure you that they have SSNs.