I got dispute with my garbage company about three months ago and basically told them to take their garbage and put it well you know... since then I've been simply taking my garbage to work and dumping it into the big dumpster. This weekend my landlords stopped by noticed that some garbage i.e. newspapers a pop bottle etc. was laying around the byproduct of our last storm. They also proceeded to do a little pick up of yard debris from the storm and filled my garbage cans. My landlady asked when the garbage came I told her Wednesday morning and on Wednesday at two o'clock her husband stopped by to read install my fence and noticed the garbage was still there. He then called the garbage company who proceeded to tell him what a problem child I had been and that in their opinion and according to their records I owed over $150 in past due garbage fees and that they had been the one to terminate my service, which is patently not true. The person who made this call is not the owner of the House nor does his name appear on any of our documents I don't know if that matters are not the house belongs to his wife only and separately. I want to sue the garbage company for divulging private and personal information. Since they were trying to collect their own bill I don't know whether they are technically under the jurisdiction of the fair debt collection practices act. The new privacy law may or may not cover this does anybody know what my causes of action might be against the garbage company for releasing this incorrect and potentially damaging information as well as the implications that releasing this information has. My landlady has acted differently towards me in that one or two conversations we've had since then. Anybody please!