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I want to sue CRA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bg, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. bg

    bg Well-Known Member

    I would like to file in small claims court against a CRA. My question is do I file base on where they are located or where I live???
  2. mikemi

    mikemi Member

    Where you live. What court do you plan to sue in??
    Small claims will only allow you $1000.00 max per case. However there is new case law that will allowed it to be at the discretion of the court and the court allowed it per violation..Be careful to word your documents correctly they will try to move to FED court. More time more money and a little more intimidating for the Pro Se litigant FED court allows for unlimited damages though.
  3. bg

    bg Well-Known Member

    I could really use a little help with this. Experian is reporting inaccurate info. I've disputed the item approximately 5 times in the past 5 months. I've requested the procedures and did not get a response so I'm ready to take the next step. They won't update the information, they just keep changing the date, once they change the balance, then I disputed and they changed it back. I need help on how to handle this one. If I could just get some guidance on what to put in my small claims document it would help. How do I spell out the violations? Do I need to site the law for each violation?

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