I have no idea how it happened. All I know is I did a change of address on my credit cards and school loans and they were on me shortly there after and there isn't a sign of them on any of my 3 credit reports. I never eceieved anything from them. If that is a violation how should I document it?
I don't know if it is or not.It's never come up before that I know of . I posed the question in hopes it would stir some of the wise ones on the baord to react.!
This very thought was discussed here some time ago.It was found that if a Ca tried to use it they would have a very weak argument.
ARE THE STUDENT loans paid? if not, there is no sol...they will br reported unless you get them off. please search on this board for student loans and see for yourself. They can be reported by ca and or guarantor.
My advice, just pay your bills on time and there will be no problems, unless, of course, something gets inserted in your file that isn't yours. I would definitely fight it then.
You mentioned that you brought this up so the "wise ones" would respond. I think this has been covered before, and I'm not a wise one, but here is the info, and no it's not a violation. The CRA's sell our information to collection agencies, and then provide a service where they update the CA's database when we update our information. This is one of the things that privacy legislation was supposed to control. Obviously it doesn't. Consumers are going to have to fight for stronger privacy laws. From Experian's website: http://www.experian.com/yourmarket/tec/information_solutions.html Equifax: http://www.equifax.com/business_solutions/information_services/collections.html Trans Union: http://www.transunion.com/Business/FncCollectionsRelProd.asp