IC system vs OC

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jenasea9, Jan 8, 2003.

  1. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    I have an old paid apartment collection reporting on my report from 5/1998. IC systems has failed all the validation requests but they do have account disputed for the last 4 years. In the past several months I was even working through the person suggested by Uniondiva that helped so many others (not me). I dropped my persistance with them in the last couple of months due to CHOD. Long story short....didnt work.

    I called the OC to see if I could "sweet" talk them into helping me. They have absolutely no records of me due to a "management change". Their attorney also has no record of me or this incident. Can I use this to my advantage?? If so how??
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    can you get them to give you a letter to that effect., If so, then it should be removed. I know you have copies of all of the correspondence and disputes with IC systems. Once you have that letter from the OC, and since they cannot validate I would take them to court..... they will fold quickly.
  3. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    The OC lady is waiting on her boss to return from lunch to "see" if she can write me a letter stating to the effect that they do not have any information on me.
  4. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem with IC systems. When I called about a collection on my hubbys report, the csr said that it had been returned to Verizon(they bought from BEll South) then he said they would not remove. I have sent the validation letter and the estopell letter, don't know what else to do! According to Mario at the FTC the CRA's have to remove if I provide a copy of the first validation letter and the signed return receipt, but from what all I am reading this is not really true! I would love to know of anyones ideas on how to get this removed too! From the searches I've done it looks like these people are pretty bad...good luck!

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