It's about an old eye doctor bill. It had been with another CA, but they must have given up. It was on my reports, but I got them off. Here's my question - Date of last activity was 02/98. At least that's what it said on my EQ report. I'm in PA. The SOL is: oral agreements-4 years; written contract-6 years; promissory note-4 years; and open-ended accounts-6years. But someone said in Pat's post about the funeral home that one of these sol sites had the wrong information on PA. So my questions are, do I have the right sol info, and what would an eye doctor bill fall under? Thanks in advance! Anna
The SOL is 4 or 6 years from what I can see for a written contract. I am assuming that when you went to the doctor you signed a form that said you knew you were responsible for the bill. I would look in the yellow pages and call a BK attorney or two and ask what the SOL on written contracts is in PA. I found these two different sites for SOLs and they do differ as the SOL for a written contract in PA. Good luck.
Once a Ca fails to Validate that should be the end of the matter period. This thing of fighting off one Ca after another is pure BS.