I'd like to hear from those of you who have made the greatest strides in the shortest time. Example: going from 400's-600's or even higher in a year or less. I'd like to know what you felt were the deletions etc. that resulted in the largest jumps in your score etc... In short I need lot's of hope help and encouragement. I don't just want, but need to buy a home by summer 2003 and I am very afraid because my scores are very low...400's TU I need huge strides fast. Please somebody, everybody I need your help, advice, encouragement etc..., for what is sure to be a long and hard battle. Is there any hope for me. Please everybody pitch in..... P.S any advice on removing judgments and suits? I have 1 judgement and 2 suits.
I lost over 40 pts in a week. Sorry not much help. You can search and find many answers to your questions
i am had a lot of success getting judgments removed. My theory is the "biggest worst first" because those are the ones that will cause your scores to jump significantly the fastest. this would include jdugements and public records. Dispute as not mine... if you are able to go to the court and get copies of the files you can search for other inaccuracies when you compare to the cra's . you can ask court clerk how they respond to consumer dispute forms from cra's that will let you know if they are "really validating" or just pulling number from lexis or some other database. I just had a unpaid judgement removed and i am preparing to sue a cra for improperly verifying a paid judgment.