ID theft report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by babystink, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. babystink

    babystink Active Member

    Has anyone filed an ID theft report with the police? What was the outcome? My lender wants me to file a report re: two collection accounts and Im not sure how that will help...I've worked for 6 years trying to get these two accounts off my reports, using letters and methods outlined on this site. Im not sure how a police report will make any difference. Is it just that the lender wants to see that a report is on file ? Im hesitant to do so because I don't want to trigger the collection agency attorneys into filing a lawsuit. The accounts are out of statute but I've read some horror stories on this site about folks who had solid cases in their favor but judges awarded summary judgments anyway. I honestly don't want to tangle with anyone in court and I don't have the funds to hire a lawyer if it came to that. I'm not convinced that judges know (or want to know) about federal credit reporting laws and rights.
  2. morio

    morio Member

    I filed a police report and a FTC Identity theft report for 2 collection accounts. (They were honestly not mine). Once I sent the reports to all 3 CRA's the items were suppressed and about 2 weeks later, they were deleted. I also received letters from the collection agencies, that these accounts were now closed, and my personal information was being purged from their systems.

    I really think that it would only help you in a real Identity Theft situation. I would be careful if these are actually your accounts, because when i filed the report, the police did some (not a lot) but some investigation into the matter.

    Good Luck
  3. babystink

    babystink Active Member

    how extensive was their research in your case? I've tried to get these accounts validated many times to no avail...the CA's have not been able to produce the original docs or any account statements. Im not even sure if it is ine account or two....

    I was assaulted in a road rage situation a few years back and I even got the guy's tag number...yet the police did absolutely nothing to find the my experience with our local Pd is that they do nothing. I can't imagine they would even attempt to investigate this.

    I would appreciate an elaboration...thanks!
  4. morio

    morio Member

    One account was for a Verizon Landline phone. Where I live here in Hawaii, the Police have a ID theft taskforce. Before they would even speak with me about a report, I had to have in hand a filed FTC ID Theft complaint.

    So after I got this, I went to file the report, and was interviewed about 3 days later by the task force. Long story short, they got a hold of the phone records from Verizon, (this account was opened in 2003) for the entire time it was active, compared all the numbers called, compiled a list, asked me if i recognize anything, (almost insuinating that filing a false report is a no-no) and then proceeded to call the phone numbers that were called the most, inquiring if anyone had any associations with me (my name). Lucky for me not a single one did, which I already knew, because it was not my phone line, it was in a totally different state about 2000 miles away. They also contacted the apartment complex, to find out if I (my name) ever lived there, or anywhere in that building. I had no worries, cause it truly was a ID theft case.

    The second one was a cell phone with Sprint PCS, much more current, only last year. For this account, they asked me to voluntarily submit my current cell phone provider records, so that they could compare them with the ID theft account. Not a problem, not a single number matched except for 411 and 911. So when the detective handling my case called me in about a week later, he said "well kid, today's your lucky day, you have been a victim of Identity Theft.

    So I guess it all depends on your local PD and how strict they are. The task force told me that almost 60% of their cases are false, and only to get out of paying a legitimate bill. I guess the CA's don't really do this kind of research, but I think once you turn it over to law enforcement, they have a duty to uphold the law and solve the crime.

    The worst part to all of this, is my 3 CR's now have perm. Fraud Alerts, for 7 years, that I cannot get removed until that time is up, beacuse it was used to suppress the accounts. This stinks. Every time I go to macy's to use my card, they have to speak with me again and again, same thing with my MC and Visa's at least once a month, I will get declined, until I call in and verify my transactions.

    If I ever move, it will take an act of god to have my address and phone number changed, and applying for any new credit, is just not worth the hassle of stopping everything, and running to fax ID, SS card, paystubs, rental agreements, utility bills....etc.

    So thats my story, I hope it helps but I would try everything in my power to try to have the CA's delete the account instead of sending the police report to the CRA's. Only as a last resort. Good Luck.
  5. babystink

    babystink Active Member

    thanks- that is great information. Sounds like they pay more attention to ID theft than assaults!!

    Im very hesitant to involve the police on anything - and after hearing your story about the residual after-effects, I think I will try to get this deleted the old fashioned way.

    Thanks again!

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