Identity Theft

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kimlarae, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. kimlarae

    kimlarae New Member

    Several years ago I was contacted by a credit card company and told my account was overdue and I had to pay it or else. I have never had a credit card through this bank. I tried to tell them this, they told me I certainly did and it was past due. I tried to tell them they had me mixed up with someone else, but they wouldn't listen. This went on and I was contacted by a lawyer. I told him that I had no credit card with this bank--wouldn't listen. I tried to explain to him this was all a terrible mistake. He wouldn't listen. I was notified about a judgement. I knew nothing about Identity theft at the time.

    Now I'm finding it impossible to get a credit card. Is there anything I can do?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Have you investigated the judgement? Was it filed against you? Did you pay it? How were you notifed of case?

    This problem will be a tough, and long one to correct, but a few basics to start:

    1) Pull your credit reports, and see exactly how this is being reported,

    2) Dispute as "Not Mine", fraudulent account with the Credit Reporting Agencies.

    Unfortunately, you did exactly what any average and normal person would do, call annd tell someone it is not your account. But the law requires disputes be made in writing, and a few years ago the laws were not in place for these identity theft issues.

    The steps you will need to handle this are long, you will have a battle on your hands. Sorry, but I do not have the time needed to completely answer this right now.

    Keep "bumping" this thread to keep it in view, and I will try to help you walk through this.

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