If I requested info from experian

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lemondrop, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Lemondrop

    Lemondrop Active Member

    about a account they "Verified" and they never send me any information reguarding the verification , is this a violation of the FCRA to which I can file a suit over ? If so , what would the violation be and the fine for said violation ?
    Im growing tired of Experian , the other 2 have been helpful to a extent but Experian seems to just keep slapping my life into the crapper .
    Thanks .
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Can you show substantial damages? Is the account not yours, and is it causing you financial loss due to denial of credit or increased rates?
  3. Lemondrop

    Lemondrop Active Member

    My mortgage company has been showing another person with my same name on my report . The person has the same first and last name but middle is different . They live in a different state and thier address has been added to my account a few times . I called the person to find out what was going on and he has the same mortgage company as I . They are just entering the info per name , etc.
    Ive been trying to get the payments removed . Transunion deleted it from my files completly and flagged my file for fraud watch .
    I disputed it with Experian and they said "Verified" so I sent them a CMRR letter asking for "how" they verified the information and I also sent proof of my payment history with the letter . I have never received anything from them reguarding what I asked for . I know they received the letter and my complaint along with it because they finally deleted the out-of-state address from my file (which I demanded) .
    SO they did part of what I asked and never sent me how they verified . Now when I try a online dispute it says they have investigated and the item is verified so I cannot dispute it unless I send them something in writing . I did send it ... apparently they ignored it .
    In July of 2003 I attempted a Mortgage and was shot down because of payment history on my current mortgage . My mortgage company was also sent a CMRR letter and they replied with a letter saying they would investigate the complaint and get back to me within 60 days . They now have less than a week to get back to me with thier results . After the next week is up , Im going to have to do some serious homework for the suit I plan to bring against them for the violations .
    If I have to file 1 suit , I might as well make it 2 suits and wack experians pee-pee at the same time .
  4. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Essentially, a procedural request doesn't require them to provide any more information than they already include in the results report.

    The brief paragraph "when you dispute"... and the trade line listing the "name and address" of the data furnisher contacted.

    Unfortunately, without filing suit, and going through discovery, and all that happy jazz, you won't find out any more information.
  5. fun4u2

    fun4u2 Well-Known Member

    but the good news is its a catch 22.

    the CRA claim no liablity based on the fact they are only reporting what was provided to them by the DF.

    so the blame now shifts to the DF.

    the CRA will not disclose how they verified the information because :

    1) they get paid to report and would loose $

    2) it would provide evidence against the DF showing that they had knowledge the information being reported was inaccurate therefore they could be held liable under the FCRA.

    they cover each others back so to speak its all about holding consumers back to make $

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